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Rule #1 Subject-Verb Agreement. The Rule Subject and verb must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular; if the subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Rule #1 Subject-Verb Agreement. The Rule Subject and verb must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular; if the subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rule #1 Subject-Verb Agreement

2 The Rule Subject and verb must agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular; if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.

3 Example The proctor, as well as the students, were overcome by the tedious ticking of the timer and fell asleep. Subject: Verb:

4 The Tip Isolate the subject and the verb and make sure they match. EX: The anguish of the students have been a source of pleasure to the SAT creators.

5 Example Isolate the subject and the verb and make sure they match. (Try removing prepositional phrases) Subject: anguish (singular) Verb: were overcome (plural) The anguish of the students have been a source of pleasure to the SAT creators.

6 Hints These should send your SAT spidey senses to tingle: If you notice one of these phrases, chances are you’re being duped into thinking a subject is plural. WATCH OUT FOR: as well as in addition to along with together with

7 Hints Whenever you see one of these on the test, pay careful attention to the SV agreement. SINGULAR SUBJECTSTO MEMORIZE:somebody eachonesomeone everyno oneanyone eithereveryoneanyone neithereverybodyanybody

8 On a sheet of notebook paper... 1.The anguish of the students have been a source of pleasure to the test makers. 2.The proctor watching the SAT takers were eagerly expectant of a breakdown. 3.Either this street or that street were painted green 4.One of the streets were painted green. 5.Everyone on the streets have banners.

9 p 316 #4-15 in VFSAT +Due next class

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