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Civil Liberties 1st amendment freedoms Ist amendment--Religion-- Establishment Clause Jefferson’s “wall between Church and State” School Prayer: can.

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2 Civil Liberties 1st amendment freedoms

3 Ist amendment--Religion-- Establishment Clause Jefferson’s “wall between Church and State” School Prayer: can students pray at school? Engel v Vitale (1962) “govt has no business leading or writing prayers” -2000 Texas students speaking at request of school officials cannot lead prayer at football games -2001 USSC ok’s Virginia’s moment of silence -In CA, state efforts to pass moment of silence laws have failed, but some school boards have passed it

4 Ist amendment--Religion-- Free Exercise Clause Flag Salute cases (1940, 1943) state should not force patriotic acts on religiously dissenting minorities

5 Ist amendment--Free Speech-- political speech Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) Schenk v US (1919) clear and present danger test--largely dormant for 50 years Texas v Johnson (1989) flag burning is protected symbolic speech

6 johnson arrested

7 free speech--location Ct. says US constitution grants no free speech rights on private property, such as malls state constitutions may grant such rights (California and 6 others)

8 Ist amendment--Free Speech-- libel and slander NY Times Co. v Sullivan (1964) -“actual malice” Hustler Magazine v Falwell (1988) -public figures need thick skin

9 Ist Amend--Free Speech--obscenity Different standards for different media Under the Warren Ct.: -no protection for “obscenity” -national standards -“utterly without” redeeming value Miller v California (1973) -local community standards -an average person find the material “patently offensive” -“dominant theme of the material taken as a whole” but today: porn allowed for “consenting adults,” little to be done anyhow

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