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PURPOSE DRIVEN SABBATH SCHOOL. Purpose Driven Sabbath Schools are comprised of members who are having, and daily cultivate an authentic relationship…

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2 Purpose Driven Sabbath Schools are comprised of members who are having, and daily cultivate an authentic relationship… With God With God With one another With one another And have a heart for the lost And have a heart for the lost

3 Purpose Driven Sabbath Schools are comprised of members who do have a daily relationship with God… Do study the Bible! Class members have the Bible – not the lesson book – open in front of them, and they seek to answer just two basic questions through discussion and prayer; Do study the Bible! Class members have the Bible – not the lesson book – open in front of them, and they seek to answer just two basic questions through discussion and prayer; a) What does this text actually say? a) What does this text actually say? and and b) What is God saying to us through this text in terms of the changes He wants to make in our lives? b) What is God saying to us through this text in terms of the changes He wants to make in our lives?

4 Do pray and strive to make Jesus central to everything, seeking to reflect His grace to the people who attend. Do pray and strive to make Jesus central to everything, seeking to reflect His grace to the people who attend. Don’t have Sabbath School ‘teachers’ who simply lecture, but have Sabbath School leaders instead. Their main task is not to teach the class, but to lead it. This means encouraging everyone to contribute to the discussion, and helping class members learn from one another, as they explore the Bible together. Don’t have Sabbath School ‘teachers’ who simply lecture, but have Sabbath School leaders instead. Their main task is not to teach the class, but to lead it. This means encouraging everyone to contribute to the discussion, and helping class members learn from one another, as they explore the Bible together.

5 Purpose Driven Sabbath Schools are comprised of members who do cultivate authentic relationships with one another… Do give as much time as possible to the classes (minimum 45 mins) and don’t study the Bible all the time. Class members attend the same class and take time to build relationships with each other, maybe spending the first 10-15 minutes of class time sharing with one another, and praying for one another on the spot. Do give as much time as possible to the classes (minimum 45 mins) and don’t study the Bible all the time. Class members attend the same class and take time to build relationships with each other, maybe spending the first 10-15 minutes of class time sharing with one another, and praying for one another on the spot.

6 Don’t pretend to be something they are not. They know that doubts and fears are common to all of us. They establish a “safe” environment for the exchange of feelings as well as opinions, encouraging openness and honesty between members, and accepting all who attend for who they are, warts and all! Don’t pretend to be something they are not. They know that doubts and fears are common to all of us. They establish a “safe” environment for the exchange of feelings as well as opinions, encouraging openness and honesty between members, and accepting all who attend for who they are, warts and all! Do involve each class member in ministry according to their spiritual gifts, passion (areas of special interest), and personality.

7 Do have a lot of Spirit led flexibility. For example while most classes follow the assigned lesson topic, one or two classes offer an alternative subject (e.g. parenting/prophecy/life issues) which may be of more interest to non-Adventist than the regular topic. Do have a lot of Spirit led flexibility. For example while most classes follow the assigned lesson topic, one or two classes offer an alternative subject (e.g. parenting/prophecy/life issues) which may be of more interest to non-Adventist than the regular topic. Don’t have special visitors’ days. Every week is designed for visitors, although from time to time, special programmes may be presented. Don’t have special visitors’ days. Every week is designed for visitors, although from time to time, special programmes may be presented.

8 Purpose Driven Sabbath Schools do have a heart for the lost… Do develop prayer partners and pray for each other’s friends. Do develop prayer partners and pray for each other’s friends. Do everything they can to make this special time “user-friendly” for non-Christians and non- Adventists.

9 Don’t take life too seriously. Living as a Christian is serious business, but its up- beat rather than down-beat. It’s exciting, it’s challenging, it’s fulfilling, and yes, it’s even fun! Don’t take life too seriously. Living as a Christian is serious business, but its up- beat rather than down-beat. It’s exciting, it’s challenging, it’s fulfilling, and yes, it’s even fun!

10 Do have a balance as far as the ‘mission appeal’ is concerned. We should be hearing as much of what is happening locally in terms of mission, as in distant lands. Do have a balance as far as the ‘mission appeal’ is concerned. We should be hearing as much of what is happening locally in terms of mission, as in distant lands. Do follow God’s Spirit in reaching out to the lost and systematically and prayerfully befriend them, and work as a team for their salvation. Do follow God’s Spirit in reaching out to the lost and systematically and prayerfully befriend them, and work as a team for their salvation.

11 Do extend Sabbath School outside of the Sabbath School time. In practical terms, this may also mean that each class occasionally gets together for a social event, where they can invite their friends. Do extend Sabbath School outside of the Sabbath School time. In practical terms, this may also mean that each class occasionally gets together for a social event, where they can invite their friends. Do get involved in meeting the felt needs in their local community. Do get involved in meeting the felt needs in their local community.

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