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AIA Conference John Nicholson Chief Executive Aviation NZ 27 July 2010 Supply and Services, Airports Emerging Markets Connecting customers to New Zealand.

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Presentation on theme: "AIA Conference John Nicholson Chief Executive Aviation NZ 27 July 2010 Supply and Services, Airports Emerging Markets Connecting customers to New Zealand."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIA Conference John Nicholson Chief Executive Aviation NZ 27 July 2010 Supply and Services, Airports Emerging Markets Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

2 Overview Will cover: Review of last year Update on Aviation NZ The region by sector matrix What we are doing Who wants a boarding pass? Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

3 SupplyInfluenceDemand NZ Companies Sector Champions Aviation NZ  Identifies  Validates  Facilitates  Builds scale  Develops Programmes  Promotes  Champions Customers Opportunities CAA AIA MoT NZTE InteractionNeed Scale Collaboratio n Respond Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

4 Aviation NZ Role Develops strategic relationships with international companies Identifies, and validates opportunities Facilitates and project manages responses Raises NZ aviation profile Encourages regulatory alignment Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

5 The market outlook New Zealand going well Australia pushing ahead in all main centres Pacific – funding is major issue India US$20b in 20 years but bureaucracy China US$60b building 97 new airports by 2020 Vietnam US$7.2b on airport expansion and new airports by 2015 Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

6 The sector/market mix TrainingMROAirports IndiaYesNoPoss ChinaYesNoPoss South Pacific PossYesPoss Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

7 “… if we go into another country and make decision based on how we operate in our own home country – the chances are we’ll make some very bad decisions.” Prof. Geert Hofstede, author of Culture’s Consequences, et al. “Know your enemy and know thyself and you can fight a hundred battles without peril (Sun Zi, The Art of War, 6th century BC) iglobal The culture of doing business

8 The link between an organisation and its audience - internal and externalA reputationA perception of an organisation – both emotional and rationalA sum of all of the parts of an organisationThe glue that binds an organisation together and provides its stakeholders and members with a sense of belongingA common voice and a collective force What is a brand?

9 To connect with your audiences – both internal and externalTo build a reputationTo express the promise that your organisation offersTo deliver the promise that your organisation offersTo develop consistency which leads to trustTo build strength through solidarityTo increase the value of your organisation Why build a brand?

10 What we are doing: the brand The vision: A specialised, globally connected high value, growing and sustainable service and manufacturing industry based on 21 st century technologies. Values Professional – expert advice Innovative – develops solutions Collaborative – brings together Responsive – customer focus Accountable – measured by results Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

11 What we are doing - positioning Positioning statement: New Zealand provides practical, elegant and new technology applications to solve your problems Substantiation New Zealand’s practical approach to problem solving, and its ability to draw expertise from world class marine and flourishing information technology industries, are resulting in new solutions for customers Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

12 What we are doing: actions Relationships in market Relationships with key NZ companies ICAO –ACI AMPAP, Akl early Oct 2010 ASPA event, Akl 11 and 12 Nov 2010 Avalon Airshow 1 to 6 March 2011 Potential visit from India Potential South America research More input Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

13 Who we are working with Beca AirportsWalkerS&T AtraxFieldair Flight GSEGallagher Security GlidepathJMI Aerospace Peet AviationStrategic Sourcing Superstructure Group UFL Furniture Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

14 Collaboration at a price Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

15 Conclusion Aviation NZ is about collaboration to achieve the scale and breadth of response We focus on higher value, but more complex solutions Some programmes are in place Opportunities exist for involvement Who wants a Boarding Pass? Connecting customers to New Zealand Aviation solutions

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