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B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, QUT Dec’10 OptIPortals: visualisation for Scientific applications Queensland Cyber-infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, QUT Dec’10 OptIPortals: visualisation for Scientific applications Queensland Cyber-infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, QUT Dec’10 OptIPortals: visualisation for Scientific applications Queensland Cyber-infrastructure Prof. Bernard Pailthorpe, U Qld. with Richard Hammond, Nick Hamilton, Chris Willing

2 Outline OptIPortals: ultra-scale tiled displays … wall-sized desktops; collaboration spaces - SAGE: visualcasting: demo events - driving network performance: tuning for real-time collaboration Scientific applications: - porting to Optiportal / SAGE environment - general: Matlab, Paraview & bio-imaging: iCluster Scalable I/O - GUIs, parallel rendering (CW) B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

3 OptIPortal displays: CalIT2 (UCSD & UCI) & EVL (UCI) OptiPuter project: NSF, 2003-08 UCI HIPerWall T A Defanti et al, Future Gen Comp Sys 25, 114-1123 (2009)

4 OptIPuter: creating a Planetary Scale CyberInfrastructure: … enabling Collaborative, Data-Intensive e-Research “OptIPlanet: The OptIPuter Global Collaboratory” – Special Section of Future Generations Computer Systems, 25 (2), February 2009 Calit2 (UCSD, UCI), SDSC, and UIC Leads—Larry Smarr PI Univ. Partners: NCSA, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent Source: Larry Smarr

5 OptiPortal Display at UQ VisLab (50 MegaPixel) Constructed by Chris Willing, Jonathon White, Imran Syed (Dec 2007) + OptiPortable - joint with AARNet - demos at QuestNet … Tiled 4 x 5 24'' LCD display 7680 x 6000 pixels Cluster, Cent-OS ROCKS SAGE, CGLX ~ A$50k for 50 Mpx B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

6 OptIPortable : UQ, QCIF &AARNet - at QuestNet-08 Tom Defanti CalIT2 / UCSD 2008 Keynote National Exposure: Touring conferences & events (AALD, Educause..) B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

7 Network performance (1. SC-08 Bandwidth Challenge): Austr “speed record” (21 Nov, 2008) 3 Gbps sustained UQ – Austin – EVL (Chicago) S. Korea EU USA Austr. Global collaboration via 10 Gig networks: UQ/ QCIF, AARNet - PacWave, Cenic, StarLight - Austin, Tx. 1 st direct 10 G bps to an Austr lab - UQ (15 Nov, 2008) B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

8 2. SC-09 TACC, UQ and SARA Demo led by Byungil Jeong, TACC, UT Austin (17-19 Nov’09) U Qld SC TACC SARA Real-time scientific visualizations on Longhorn ParaView + SAGE 8K scientific animation DXT-compressed and uncompressed live HD video streams Bitplayer, Mplayer + SAGE HDS + SAGE TACC booth #1545 SARA booth #2154 Tue : 2:00 ~ 4:00pm Wed : 2:00 ~ 4:00pm Thu : 1:00 ~ 2:30pm B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

9 UQ user tests (19-20 Nov, 2009) ~ 3 Gbps sustained UQ – AARNet-Portland Network performance (SC-09 Portand, Or): UQ – USA 2.79 Gbps (19 Nov’09 2.98 Gbps (20 Nov) Austr. network performance (previous): 900 Mbps AAO –Swinburne (Oct’08) 3 Gbps QCIF/UQ – USA (Nov’08) 3.4 Gbps Curtin- CSIRO ATNF, (Aug’09) B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

10 3. APAN-29 (Sydney, Feb’10, Intercontinental hotel): Links: Brisb – Syd – Melb - Austin – Seoul; + Saudi Arabia: KAUST Chris Willing: setting up Greg Wyckham.. at Kaust Saudia Arabia

11 APAN-29 (Sydney, Feb’10, Intercontinental hotel): UQ – AARNet-TACC-GIST ( 9-10 Feb, 2010) ~ 5.5 Gbps sustained, 12 hrs & 6 G peak ex Brisb UQ – AARNet/UTS tests (2-3 Feb, 2010) ~ 4.1 Gbps sustained for 8 hrs, Brisb - Syd Brisb– Syd - Austin - Seoul t (sec) / t (UTC) B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

12 4. Osaka Event (June 10 -11, 2010 Shinji Shimozo: NICT, Tokyo & Cybermedia Lab, Osaka) Knowledge Capital – launch events Setting up on site B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

13 OptIPortal & SAGE Bridge joint demo in Osaka (June 10 -11, 2010 Shinji Shimozo) Goal is showing the interactivity of SAGE Content flows via Sage bridges - from UQVislab, NCHC, Calit2: to Osaka UQVislab Brisbane, Austr. NCHC Hsinchu, Tw Osaka Knoweldge Precinct SAGE Machine SAGE Bridge In NICT (Tokyo) SAGE Bridge AARNet (Sydney) Large images and HD movies (ImageViewer & VLC < 1 Gbps ) Live Video & Mayavi2 (Decklinkcapture: 200-250 Mbps x2) EVL UCI, Chicago, USA Calit2 San Diego, USA B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

14 Osaka event: on the showroom floor (10 June ’10) Shinji Shimozo iCluster software - from Brisb. Austr. Traditional culture - from Hsinchu, Taiwan

15 Osaka event: on the showroom floor (10 June ’10) Satellite imaging - N Qld. Austr. Network traffic monitoring - from Internet2, USA Shinji Shimozo B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

16 xx Osaka event: from CalIT2 (UCSD) to Showroom floor (11 June ’10) Osaka Brisb BP presenting from CalIT2, San Diego B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

17 B Jeong et al, IEEE Comp Graphics 30, 71-83 (2010) SAGE Architecture

18 Porting scientific apps to the OptIPortal – demo at QuestNet-09 i -Cluster : Nick Hamilton (IMB), R Hammond, Chris Willing & B Pailthorpe (UQ Vislab) Run “natively” in OptIPortal … breaking out of desktop limitations iCluster - IMB, UQ Classify 100s-1000s of cell images on the fly, with humans in the loop Also Paraview / vtk Mayavi/ vtk.. for general purpose Sci Vis B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

19 Figure 2: Nick Hamilton et al, BMC Bioinformatics, 10, 94 (‘09). iCluster workflow - image classification. (1) Treated/untreated images (2) Images stored (3) And loaded into iCluster, TAS stats generated automatically. Initially images are randomly placed in 3D. (4) “Adjacency mapping” 3D spatial layout - by statistical similarity using 'Sammon Map'. ….. In OptIPortal: moving up from thumbnail images… + humans in the loop iCluster workflow – high throughput classification of EM images B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

20 Rendering pipelines in SAGE Source: SAGE Documentation, EVL (2005) Remote Display The Challenge: scalable I/O ? B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

21 Scalable I/O for software apps in SAGE Head Node {a0} {Cluster mpi slaves } Tiled Display: Output (50-100 Mpx) Mouse, keyboard Inputs (WIMP model) (2-4 Mpx) 3D navigation Inputs (“wall” model) - rotate 3D object - zoom, pan - resize windows (50-100 Mpx) {a1} {a2} {a3} {Master} Content Node B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

22 Scalable I/O – the challenge? Head Node {a0} {Cluster mpi slaves } Tiled Display: Output (50-100 Mpx) Mouse, keyboard Inputs (WIMP model) (2-4 Mpx) 3D navigation Inputs (“wall” model) - rotate 3D object - zoom - resize windows (50-100 Mpx) {a1} {a2} {a3} {Master} How to map 3D pointer back to control window? Work in progress – User apps Paraview/ vtk & Mayavi/ vtk iCluster Matlab B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

23 3D Interactions with scalable display walls breaking out from desktop limitations Nintendo WiiMote; Tutorial: C A Wingrave et al, IEEE Comp Graphics & Apps, 30, 71-85 (2010) See 3D gyro mouse Pointing: natural; long history - long understood by us primates chimp using stick as tool Also VR devices: Magnetic head trackers, Wands, … maybe an iPhone app ? B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

24 3D Interaction with the OptIPortal, SAGE & apps: Input 3D gyro mouse Richard Hammond UQ Vislab Pointing & Navigating at large scale Input. Activating menu control buttons in app’s window (copied from head Node) – separate from 3D navigation. Output. Atlantis, Paraview - mpi distributed across cluster (Chris Willing: talk + demos) B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

25 Content Node {2 x a0} {Display Nodes Cluster} (2-4 Mpx) {a1} {a2} {a3} Interacting with the OptIPortal, SAGE & apps: Output Write/ Draw simultaneously to 2 Output “windows” 1.Draw to local screen buffer, with Window Manager - to Content Node Display Tiled Display (Local, or Remote) 2. Draw to Xvfb: virtual frame buffer (can be very large) - thence to Tiled Display; but no Window Manager? + Needs to be scalable: migrate rendering from Content (“Head”) node to the cluster nodes; & draw to tiled display + needs to couple to 3D navigation devices Mouse, keyboard Inputs Progress: Atlantis, Paraview mpi distributed (Chris Willing: talk + demo) … underway …. 2a. Draw to XDMX - Distributed MultiHead X - proxy X server - not a Window Manager - 16 tile limit B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

26 Acknowledgements Work –Chris Willing, Richard Hammond, Doug Kosovic, Nicole Bordes, Mathieu Klug (VisLab, UQ), Nick Hamilton (IMB, UQ); –Larry Smarr, Tom Defanti (CalIT2, UCSD), Luc Renambot (EVL, UIC), Byongill Jeong (TACC, UT Austin); –Brett Rosolen (AARNet). And formerly: Jonathon White, Imran Syed, Jean Francillard (UQ) ; Greg Wickham Support –Australian Research Council – UQ –QCIF –AARNet; UQ ITS network team; B. Pailthorpe, UQ at IEEE e-Science, Dec’10

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