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Chapter 9 Controlling Information Systems: Application Controls.

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1 Chapter 9 Controlling Information Systems: Application Controls

2 Learning Objectives Know steps in control framework Be able to prepare control matrix Know generic application control plans Describe how these controls accomplish control goals Appreciate importance of controls to organizations with ERP systems Appreciate importance of controls to organizations involved in E-Business

3 3 ÀControl Goals of the Operations System ÀControl Goals of the Information System For transaction inputs, ensure: For the Master File, ensure: IV IC IAUC UA Ensure effectiveness of operations by ensuring the following systems goals: Ensure efficient employment of resources Ensure security of resources AB ÁRecommended Control Plans Control Matrix Key: IV - Input validity I C - Input completeness IA - Input accuracy UC - Update completeness UA - Update accuracy P-1 Immediately endorse incoming checks ÂP -1 M-1 Immediately separate checks & RAs M-1 P-2 Plan 3 (describe) M-2 Plan 4 (describe) P-2 M-2 A = To accelerate cash flow by promptly depositing cash receipts B = To ensure compliance with compensating balance agreement M-1 Four key elements: À Control goals Á Recommended control plans ÂCell entries ÃExplanations of cell entries ÃP-1: “deposit only to the account of Causeway Company”

4 4

5 5 Systems Flowchart: Data Entry Without Master Data Data Entry Clerk 1 Data Entry Devices (Networked PCs) Start Input document Key document Display input or error Remove discrepancies if any Key corrections/ accept input Accepted for processing Input documents A Edit Input Transaction data Record input P-1 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-7 M-1 P-6

6 6 Systems Flowchart: Data Entry With Master Data

7 7 Processing Steps Transaction occurs Record in transaction file Update master files Generate outputs

8 8 Processing Modes Periodic –transactions posted after delay –master files updated after delay –output generated after delay Immediate - all three done immediately Combination –immediate posting; delayed update/generation –immediate posting & update; delayed generation

9 9 Immediate, online processing

10 10 ÀControl Goals of the Operations System ÀControl Goals of the Information System For transaction inputs, ensure: For the Master File, ensure: IV IC IAUC UA Ensure effectiveness of operations by ensuring the following systems goals: Ensure efficient employment of resources Ensure security of resources AB ÁRecommended Control Plans Control Matrix Key: IV - Input validity I C - Input completeness IA - Input accuracy UC - Update completeness UA - Update accuracy P-2 Written approvals P-3: Prenumbered forms P-4: Online prompting P-3 A =To ensure timely processing of data B = (describe) P-1- Document design P-5 Programmed edit checks P-6: Interactive feedback checks M-1: Key verification P-7: Procedures for rejected inputs P-1 P-2 P-4 P-5 P-6 M-1 P-7

11 11 Online processing control plans P-1 Document design. Source document is designed in such a way that makes it easier to prepare initially and later to input data from the document P-2 Written approvals. A signature or initials on a document to indicate that a person has authorized the event.

12 12 Online processing control plans (cont.) P-3: Preformatted screens –help guide entry of data. May fix length of fields, “case” of field entered. Cursor moves to fields. P-4: Online prompting –program prompts user to work in sequence and asks questions that control operations.

13 13 Online processing control plans (cont.) P-5: Programmed edit checks –automatically performed when data entered –Reasonableness (limit checks) - tests whether data fall within predetermined limits. (< $5,000/wk pay) –Dependency - logic of data entered to other data entered. –Math accuracy - does math independently; checks user’s calculations

14 14 Online processing control plans (cont.) Programmed edit checks (Cont) –Format checks - tests format on input missing data alpha in alpha fields; numbers in numeric fields input field proper size input field within set range (ex. - customer #s) P-6: Interactive feedback checks –feedback to user that entry is accepted/rejected

15 15 Online Processing Control Plans (cont.) M-1: Key verification –Documents keyed by one individual and rekeyed by another individual. Very expensive P-7: Procedures for rejected inputs –designed to ensure that rejected data - not accepted for processing - are corrected and resubmitted for processing.

16 16 Control Goals of the Operations System Control Goals of the Information System For transaction inputs, ensure: For the Master File, ensure: IV IC IAUC UA Ensure effectiveness of operations by ensuring the following systems goals: Ensure efficient employment of resources Ensure security of resources AB Recommended Control Plans Control Matrix Key: IV - Input validity I C - Input completeness IA - Input accuracy UC - Update completeness UA - Update accuracy P-1 Enter data close to originating source P -1 P-2: Digital signatures P-2 P-3: Populate inputs with master data P4: Compare input data with master data P-3 A = Ensure timely processing of input B= (describe) P -1 P-2 P-4

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20 20 Control Plans - Batch Calculate batch totals - –Document/record counts –Item or line counts –Dollar totals –Hash totals - total of fields not normally totaled Example - invoice #s, part #s, social security #s Computer agreement of batch totals –batch total calculated manually and entered with batch –computer accumulates batch total during processing –computer generates report comparing totals

21 21 Control Plans - Batch (cont.) Manual agreement of batch totals –similar to above except manually calculated batch totals not submitted to computer –computer produces report with batch total –person compares two and takes appropriate action Sequence checks –applies to sequentially numbered documents; account for all numbers in sequence to find missing docs. –also applies to sequentially numbered batches of documents to ensure they are in order

22 22 Control Plans - Batch (cont.) Key verification –extremely expensive control plan where a second data entry person keys in source data to compare with data already entered. Rarely used in practice. Written approvals –requirement that handwritten signatures be affixed to documents indicating approval/authorization Computer preparation of business documents –part of output of computer process –more efficient (and legible) than manual processes

23 23 Control Plans - Batch (cont.) Rejection procedures –establish procedures to be followed when errors are entered and erroneous records rejected by computer –may write rejected records to suspense file and require periodic follow-up Prerecorded data –examples: serial numbers, MICR a/c #s, dept. #s –printed on forms so that manual entry not required Turnaround documents - prerecorded data to capture input on subsequent processing. Ex: RA stub attached to invoice

24 Learning Objectives Know steps is control framework Be able to prepare control matrix Know generic application control plans Describe how these controls accomplish control goals Appreciate importance of controls to ERP Appreciate importance to E-Business

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