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Saturday, September 16, 2006 By: April M. Bowser Photoshop 7 Session 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Saturday, September 16, 2006 By: April M. Bowser Photoshop 7 Session 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saturday, September 16, 2006 By: April M. Bowser Photoshop 7 Session 1

2 Photoshop 7 - Objective  What is Photoshop  Navigate around in Photoshop  Open and Saving files  Create a New file  Copy and Paste  Crop and Straighten  Correct Red-Eye

3 Photoshop 7 – Objective cont.  How to use your photograph in Word  How to use your photograph in PowerPoint  Layers  Instant 3D Type  Semi-transparent Type  Perspective Cast Shadow  Visual Color Change

4 What is Photoshop  An application that allows you to edit photographs  Add two photographs to make them one  Restore old photographs to make them look as they did originally  Add color to black and whites or change colors to black and white  You are only limited by your imagination

5 Navigate around Photoshop

6 Explore the Toolbox

7 Menu and Option Bar  The Menu Bar gives additional options related to this application.  The menu bar looks the same as in any windows application.  The Option Bar is specific to Photoshop  Displays controls that let you customize the selected tool you are using from your toolbox

8 Palettes  Gives more controls over your creation  Many different palettes gives maximum control  Palettes used frequently are: Layers Channels History Color

9 Open and Saving Files  To OPEN: Use the menu bar, FILE, Open  Photoshop allows you to open a wide range of graphical extensions JPG,GIF, TIF, BMP, RAW, and many more Photoshop extension is: PSD

10 Open and Saving Files cont.  To SAVE: Use the menu bar, FILE, SAVE or SAVE AS  FILE, SAVE Allows you to save a file with the extension of.PSD Doing this always gives you the original to make changes to  FILE, SAVE AS Allows you to save a file with a different extension such as.jpg to be use on the web

11 Open and Saving Files cont.  It is important to know where you save files  Create folders for your photographs so you can locate them easily  It is recommended that you always save a.psd (original copy of work)

12 Create a New File  For New: Use the menu bar: FILE, NEW

13 Copy and Paste  Works much the same in Photoshop that it does in word  Copy uses the clipboard  Paste adds it to a new worksheet or a photograph you want to add it to.  Keyboard strokes are: Copy: ctrl+c Paste: ctrl+v

14 Crop and Straighten  Select the crop tool from your toolbox  The crop tool will keep what is inside the selection.

15 Correct Red-Eye  Zoom in to the area of the eye that needs fixed  Select the magic wand  Select the eye-dropper to select the color needed  Select paint bucket  Fill area selected by the magic wand

16 How to use your photograph in Word  Open Word  Select New Blank Page  From menu Bar: select INSERT, PICTURE, FROM FILE, (remember where you save your file)  Select Filename, click OK

17 How to use your photograph in PowerPoint  Open PowerPoint  Select New Blank Slide  From menu Bar: select INSERT, PICTURE, FROM FILE, (remember where you save your file)  Select Filename, click OK

18 Layers  Photoshop works like adding transparent on top of transparent to give a full illusion

19 Instant 3D Type  File; New (size:w653,h641,R72, RBG)  Text Tool; then Type  Layer; Type; Convert to Shape  Ctrl-T; Hold down Shift-Alt-Ctrl; grab the top right corner, drag upward.  Press Enter to accept  Layer; Rasterize; Shape

20 Instant 3D Type cont…  Click and drag layer to the copy layer icon  Press “d” (changes foreground to black)  Hold shift-alt-press backspace (this changes the color to black)  Alt-ctrl; press-and –hold right arrow to add 3D effect

21 Instant 3D Type cont…  Hide your top layer and background layer by clicking on the eye icon This leaves all the black type layers  Use the pop-down menu; Merge Visible  Optional: click on Lock Transparency button, click on Gradient to create a gray effect.

22 Semi-transparent Type  File; Open (photograph)  Text Tool; Type your text  Ctrl-click on text layer Makes text active selection  Click eye icon at type layer to hide  Click on background layer  Ctrl-J (create layer1)

23 Semi-transparent Type cont…  Click add a Layer Style (“f” at bottom of the Layer Palette )  Choose Drop Down Shadow  Choose Inner Shadow  Choose Inner Glow  Now Click OK  Click on type layer & drag to trash to delete layer

24 Semi-transparent Type cont…  Optional: Click on Background Layer Ctrl-L  Adjust Darker-Lighter  Use Pointer to move words to different location

25 Visual Color Change  Open a photograph that contains and object or part that you would want to change the color  Select the object, by using a lasso tool Magnetic Lasso works great for this  Outline the object

26 Visual Color Change cont…  Image, Adjustments, choose Hue/Saturation Then click on Colorize Move the Hue Slider to the desired color Click Ok

27 Perspective Cast Shadow  File – Open (perspectiveShadow363039.psd)  Make a copy of the layer Drag layer to New Layer icon Press “d” to change foreground black Press Shift-alt-backspace to fill option black  Ctrl-T (Free Transform)

28 Perspective Cast Shadow cont…  Right click directly in free transform box  From pop-up list choose Distort  Lie the copy layer almost flat by grabbing the center point  Press Enter to accept  Press “g” for Gradient tool  In Layer palette, click Lock Transparent pixels

29 Perspective Cast Shadow cont…  Drag Gradient tool from one end to the other  Shadow should go black to gray  Turn of transparency lock  Filter Menu-Blur-Gaussian Blur  In dialog box enter 2 for Blur radius Click OK

30 Perspective Cast Shadow cont…  Drag copy layer under Layer 1 This puts shadow behind image  Use the Rectangular Marquee to draw a rectangle of the top quarter of the shadow  Select-Feather- 5 pixel  Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur-2pixel  Ctrl-D (deselect)

31 I Hope You Had Fun Any Questions? Anything you would like to learn that we did not cover today?

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