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MATSim … Destination Choice Current State and Future Development MATSim User Meeting 2013, Zürich 1.

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Presentation on theme: "MATSim … Destination Choice Current State and Future Development MATSim User Meeting 2013, Zürich 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATSim … Destination Choice Current State and Future Development MATSim User Meeting 2013, Zürich 1

2 2 V +  implicit +  explicit The Base Model

3 fixed initial random seed freezing the generating order of  ij storing all  ij destinations persons  00  nn  10  ij i j person i alternative j store seed k i store seed k j regenerate  ij on the fly with random seed f(k i,k j ) one additional random number can destroy «quench» i,j ~ O(10 6 ) -> 4x10 12 Byte (4TByte) Repeated Draws: Quenched vs. Annealed Randomness 3

4 t departure t arrival Dijkstra forwards 1-nDijkstra backwards 1-n approximation probabilistic choice search space workhomeshopping Search Space Optimum 4

5 5 Results shopping leisure

6 Base Model Attributes 6 person age, gender, mobility tools, occupancy, home loc (ha), work loc (municipality) act chain randomly assigned from microcensus destination location (ha), open times, rough type (h, w, s, l, e) validation counts

7 Extending the Model 7 broad range of disciplines such as transport and urban planning, marketing and retailing science, economics, geography, psychology.

8 88 transferability / flexibility collection costs sim quality detail level of data Extending the Model

9 99 Microcensus trips Size: Swiss Business Census Price: ZH city survey set

10 10 Extending the Model

11 11 Extending the Model

12 12 Further Extending the Model Synthesis run: multi-modal: ZH scenario V2 competition penalties (e.g., parking)  agglo

13 13 Further Extending the Model

14 14 Further Extending the Model Count data, 1 degree of freedom Microsim flexibility & capacity restraints Aggregate validation of a highly disaggregate model Next Big Step: Demand: GPS, GSM Business volumes, loyalty cards, customer frequencies License plate surveys Supply Number of cash points, parking lots, shelf size, shopping baskets Products (perishable)

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