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J.-L. Vay, April 06 -1- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Filling in the Roadmap for self-Consistent Electron Cloud and Gas Modeling Particle.

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Presentation on theme: "J.-L. Vay, April 06 -1- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Filling in the Roadmap for self-Consistent Electron Cloud and Gas Modeling Particle."— Presentation transcript:

1 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -1- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Filling in the Roadmap for self-Consistent Electron Cloud and Gas Modeling Particle Accelerator Conference May 16-20, 2005 Knoxville, TN, USA J.-L. Vay Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory

2 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -2- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory OUTLINE Who we are and why we care about e-cloud The “roadmap” to self-consistency Our simulation tools Example of comparisons of WARP-POSINST with HCX Application to High Energy Physics: 1 LHC FODO cell Conclusion

3 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -3- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory OUTLINE Who we are and why we care about e-cloud The “roadmap” to self-consistency Our simulation tools Example of comparisons of WARP-POSINST with HCX Application to High Energy Physics: 1 LHC FODO cell Conclusion

4 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -4- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory 1.6MeV; 0.63A/beam; 30  s ~1km 4.0GeV; 94.A/beam; 0.2  s 4.0GeV; 1.9kA/beam; 10ns Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion or “HIF” goal is to develop an accelerator that can deliver beams to ignite an inertial fusion target Target Requirements: 3 - 7 MJ x ~ 10 ns  ~ 500 Terawatts Ion Range: 0.02 - 0.2 g/cm 2  1- 10 GeV Near term goal: High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) For A ~ 200  ~ 10 16 ions ~ 100 beams 1-4 kA / beam DT

5 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -5- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory: LBNL LLNL Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Working on e-cloud (in addition to R. Davidson and H. Qin): Miguel Furman (LBNL) LBNL is lead lab for LARP on e-cloud Ron Cohen (LLNL) Jean-Luc Vay (LBNL) Alex Friedman (LLNL) Dave Grote (LLNL) Art Molvik (LLNL) Peter Seidl (LBNL) Frank Bieniosek (LBNL) Michel Kireef-Covo (GS, LLNL) Also:Peter Stoltz, through coordinated SBIR at Tech-X Prof. John Verboncoeur, UCB NE Simulation & theory Experiment HIF-VNL/e-cloud team (LDRD’s at LLNL & LBNL)

6 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -6- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Why do we care about electrons? We have a strong economic incentive to fill the pipe. (from a WARP movie; see Time-dependent 3D simulations of HCX injector reveal beam ions hitting structure

7 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -7- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory OUTLINE Who we are and why we care about e-cloud The “roadmap” to self-consistency Our simulation tools Example of comparisons of WARP-POSINST with HCX Application to High Energy Physics: 1 LHC FODO cell Conclusion

8 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -8- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory “Roadmap” toward self-consistent modeling of beam with e-cloud & gas effects. Key: operational; partially implemented (5/6/05) WARP ion PIC, I/O, field solve  f beam, , geom. electron dynamics (full orbit; interpolated drift) wall electron source volumetric (ionization) electron source gas module emission from walls ambient charge exch. ioniz. n b, v b f b,wall  sinks nene ions Reflected ions f b,wall gas transport

9 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -9- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory OUTLINE Who we are and why we care about e-cloud The “roadmap” to self-consistency Our simulation tools Example of comparisons of WARP-POSINST with HCX Application to High Energy Physics: 1 LHC FODO cell Conclusion

10 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -10- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory WARP has many well-tested features … Geometry: 3D, (x,y), or (r,z) Field solvers: FFT, capacity matrix, multigrid Boundaries: “cut-cell” --- no restriction to “Legos” Bends: “warped” coordinates; no “reference orbit” Lattice description: general; takes MAD input -solenoids, dipoles, quads, sextupoles, … -arbitrary fields, acceleration Beam injection: Child-Langmuir, and other models Diagnostics: Extensive snapshots and histories Parallel: MPI Python and Fortran: “steerable,” input decks are programs -a GUI is also available

11 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -11- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Adaptive mesh refinement (3-D, x-y, and r-z) - LHC 3-D simulation: Cell count reduced 20,000x New electron mover that allows large time steps E-cloud and gas models Prototype Vlasov solver (for halo) … and new features advancing the state of the art... Z (m) R (m) Beam coming off source x 11 speedup 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Low res. Medium res. High res. Low res. + AMR 4  NRMS (  mm.mrad) Z(m)

12 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -12- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Problem: Electron gyro timescale << other timescales of interest  brute-force integration very slow due to small  t Solution*: Interpolation between full- particle dynamics (“Boris mover”) and drift kinetics (motion along B plus drifts) We have invented a new “mover” that relaxes the problem of short electron timescales in magnetic field* Magnetic quadrupole Sample electron motion in a quad beam quad * R. Cohen et. al., Phys. Plasmas, May 2005; ROPA009, Thursday, Ballroom A, 16:45 small  t=0.25/  c Standard Boris mover (reference case) large  t=5./  c New interpolated mover large  t=5./  c Standard Boris mover (fails in this regime) Test: Magnetized two-stream instability

13 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -13- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory code of M. Furman and M. Pivi Follows slice of electrons at one location along beam line 2-D PIC for e – self force analytical kick for force of beam on electrons Effect of electrons on beam -- minimally modeled dipole wake Good models for electron production by: synchrotron radiation residual gas ionization stray beam particles hitting vacuum wall secondary electron production (detailed model) POSINST calculates the evolution of the electron cloud Under SBIR funding, POSINST SEY module implemented into CMEE library distributed by Tech-X corporation. POSINST has been used extensively for e-cloud calculations

14 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -14- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory WARP POSINST field calculator ion mover image forces electron source modules kicks from beam diagnostics lattice description x i, v i framework & user interface electron mover We have merged WARP and POSINST (with support of coordinated LBNL & LLNL LDRD’s)

15 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -15- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Recent additions Gas module –emit neutrals (as macro-particles) from beam ion impact according to incident particle energy and angle of incidence Ionization module –create macro-ions and macro-electrons resulting from impact ionization of gas molecules

16 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -16- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory OUTLINE Who we are and why we care about e-cloud The “roadmap” to self-consistency Our simulation tools Example of comparisons of WARP-POSINST with HCX Application to High Energy Physics: 1 LHC FODO cell Conclusion

17 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -17- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Current HCX Configuration (High Brightness Beam Transport Campaign, 2005) INJECTORMATCHING SECTION ELECTROSTATIC QUADRUPOLES MAGNETIC QUADRUPOLES Focus of Current Gas/Electron Experiments Additional Experiments: Fill-Factor Measurements, Head-Tail Correction, Wave Experiments 1 MeV, 0.18 A, t ≈ 5  s, 6x10 12 K + /pulse

18 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -18- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory We are looking at fundamental questions* Primary electron emission –yield & velocity distribution Secondary emission –yield & velocity distribution Desorbed gas –mechanism, yield & velocity distribution Accumulation & retention in quads –loss mechanisms, sources Effects of electrons on beam –harder - must exaggerate sources because of short experiment Efficacy of mitigation methods * A. W. Molvik et. al., ROPB002

19 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -19- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Beam hits end-plate in HCX to generate copious electrons leading to observable effects on the beam (a) (b) (c) Capacitive Probe (qf4) Clearing electrodes Suppressor Q1Q2Q3Q4 Time-dependent beam loading in WARP from moments history from HCX data: current energy X-Y (assume semi-gaussian)  RMS envelopes, emittances  slopes  beam centroids  slopes average (4-D phase-space reconstruction in develop.) 200mA K + e-e-

20 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -20- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Comparison sim/exp: clearing electrodes and e-supp. on/off  beam ions  secondary electrons  electrons from ions hitting surface simulation Exp./Sim. data agree semi-quantitatively on effect of e- on beam. 200mA K + (a) (b)(c) e-e- 0V 0V 0V V=-10kV, 0V Suppressor offSuppressor on experiment

21 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -21- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory WARP HCX Comparison sim/exp: 3 clearing electrodes biased (no sec.) (a)(b) (c) (qf4) (a) (b)(c) 200mA K + e-e- +9kV +9kV +9kV 0V (qf4)

22 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -22- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory WARP HCX Comparison sim/exp: 3 clearing electrodes biased (a)(b) (c) (qf4) (a) (b)(c) 200mA K + e-e- +9kV +9kV +9kV 0V (qf4) Images Collected Emitted Sum Signal from simulation is sum of three components

23 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -23- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory WARP HCX Comparison sim/exp: 3 clearing electrodes biased (a)(b) (c) (qf4) (a) (b)(c) 200mA K + e-e- +9kV +9kV 0V 0V (qf4)

24 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -24- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory WARP HCX Comparison sim/exp: first clearing electrode biased (a)(b) (c) (qf4) (a) (b)(c) 200mA K + e-e- +9kV 0V 0V 0V (qf4)

25 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -25- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory OUTLINE Who we are and why we care about e-cloud The “roadmap” to self-consistency Our simulation tools Example of comparisons of WARP-POSINST with HCX Application to High Energy Physics: 1 LHC FODO cell Conclusion

26 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -26- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Study of e-cloud in LHC FODO cell SPS sees surprisingly long-lasting e-cloud (~ second) The problem: Simulate “multibunch, multiturn” passage of beam through FODO cell (100 m): dipoles quadrupoles drifts Electrons  synchrotron radiation, secondary emission Study: Electron accumulation and trapping in quads Power deposition from electrons

27 (particles colored according to radius) beam (scaled 10x) electrons We are beginning to use WARP to study e-cloud in LHC 1 LHC FODO cell F B B B D B B B T=2  s LHC pipe shape Histories of Nb electrons, power deposition, … AMR provides speedup of x20,000 on field solve

28 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -28- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory OUTLINE Who we are and why we care about e-cloud The “roadmap” to self-consistency Our simulation tools Example of comparisons of WARP-POSINST with HCX Application to High Energy Physics: 1 LHC FODO cell Conclusion

29 J.-L. Vay, April 06 -29- The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory Conclusion Near completion of a new capability that follows “roadmap” toward self-consistent modeling of beam with e-cloud and gas –PIC; Lattice; AMR; new electron mover; secondary e - ; photo-e - ; neutrals generation and tracking; ionization. Comparison with HCX experiment are very encouraging –demonstrated importance of secondary electrons, –inclusion of desorbed neutrals and ionization from halo, using newly developed modules, should help to close remaining gap. Started to apply to High-Energy physics –first 3-D time-dependent simulation of LHC FODO cell, –study application to RHIC, and maybe others.

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