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Nenufar – a white water flower which you can see on mazurian lakes. Mini basketball club at Primary School No. 5 in Ełk was established in 2008. About.

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Presentation on theme: "Nenufar – a white water flower which you can see on mazurian lakes. Mini basketball club at Primary School No. 5 in Ełk was established in 2008. About."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nenufar – a white water flower which you can see on mazurian lakes. Mini basketball club at Primary School No. 5 in Ełk was established in 2008. About 110 young sportsmen attend trainings here. The most important competitions organized by the club are international tournaments: Mazurian Spring (for girls) and Nenufar Cup (for boys). Nenufar’s teams have reached country finals three times. Nenufar 5 is the place, where young players start their adventure with basketball.

3 It is hard work but gives me satisfaction.



6 DREAMS COME TRUE I was in Italy and Estonia with my team. – Patryk Thanks to Mr Traskowski my “adventure” with basketball started. Now this sport is all my life. - Maciej I have 6 statues and 4 medals.- Vanessa I have 4 statues and 4 medals. – Klara When I grow up, I want to be a basketball player.- Daniel Basketball is like freedom, it’s our passion.- Julka My friends sometimes are annoying, but game with them is cool. – Adam I like my team friends very much. – Błażej

7 This presentation was prepared by basketball lovers (6th grade): Interview with Mr Traskowski – Vanessa Sieńko, Julia Jonik, Julia Wielgat, Klara Kujawa, Interview with students - Natalia Miedzianowska, Emilia Łowczyk Translation: Emilia Łowczyk, Magda Łuba, Vanessa Sieńko ICT specialist – Mr Robert Kubeł

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