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Bluff! A Game and Study Guide All In One!. Rules In turn, each team will be asked a question. Team members who know the answer will stand up. The other.

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Presentation on theme: "Bluff! A Game and Study Guide All In One!. Rules In turn, each team will be asked a question. Team members who know the answer will stand up. The other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bluff! A Game and Study Guide All In One!

2 Rules In turn, each team will be asked a question. Team members who know the answer will stand up. The other team will select ONE person standing up to answer the question. If that person gives a correct answer, the team will receive as many points as there are people standing up. If the answer is wrong, that many points will be subtracted.

3 Rules Continued Each team will select one scorekeeper. If no one from the team stands up, the other team will be awarded 5 points. If you do not stand up, or if you would not have if it was your team’s turn, then write the question and answer down to create your own study guide. A team may not call on the same person from the opposing team until they have called on all the other members of the opposing team.

4 Question #1 What word means a system of writing that uses wedge-shaped symbols?

5 Answer #1 cuneiform

6 Question #2 Which of the ancient civilizations was polytheistic?

7 Answer #2 Egypt and Mesopotamia

8 Question #3 What is the process of bringing water to dry land?

9 Answer #3 irrigation

10 Question #4 What river(s) flooded in ancient times and resulted in fertile land good for growing crops?

11 Answer #4 Nile, Euphrates, and Tigris

12 Question #5 Mesopotamia was located between what two rivers?

13 Answer #5 The Tigris and Euphrates rivers

14 Question #6 In Mesopotamia they built temples for their gods called

15 Answer #6 Ziggurats

16 Question #7 Name two lasting inventions of the Mesopotamian Civilizations?

17 Answer #7 Wheel Writing Plow calendar

18 Question #8 What is the name of the river that is at the center of success for Ancient Egyptian civilizations?

19 Answer #8 Nile River

20 Question #9 What is agriculture?

21 Answer #9 farming and domesticating animals

22 Question #10 What is the name of the writing performed by the Ancient Egyptians?

23 Answer #10 Hieroglyphics

24 BLIND QUESTION A blind question is when players must commit to standing up before the question is asked.

25 Question #11 What do you call people who travel around without a permanent home?

26 nomads

27 BLIND QUESTION A blind question is when players must commit to standing up before the question is asked.

28 BLIND QUESTION #12 What is the name of the people that roamed the land searching for food?

29 Answer Hunter-gatherers

30 Question #13 What is the name of the people who learned to write in ancient civilizations?

31 Answer #13 scribes

32 Question #14 How many years apart is 1200 BCE from 100 CE?

33 Answer #14 1300

34 Question #15 The Ancient Egyptians wrote on

35 Answer #15 papyrus

36 Question #16 Rulers in Ancient Egypt were called

37 Answer #16 pharoahs

38 Question #17 What aspect of civilization is a set of beliefs and forms of worship?

39 Answer #17 religion

40 Question #18 What characteristic of a civilization involves the use of tools and other inventions for practical purposes.

41 Answer #18 technology

42 Question #19 What word(s) means the area good for agriculture that stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf?

43 Answer #19 Fertile Crescent

44 Question #20 What century is 1234 in?

45 Answer #20 13 th century

46 Question #21 What year would it be if you went back 500 years from 300 CE?

47 Answer #21 200 BCE

48 Question #22 Name 2 things that Ancient Egypt had in common with Mesopotamia.

49 Question #22 Writing Fertile land River flooding

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