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Church of St. Thérèse Chesapeake, Virginia Faith of Generations.

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Presentation on theme: "Church of St. Thérèse Chesapeake, Virginia Faith of Generations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church of St. Thérèse Chesapeake, Virginia Faith of Generations

2 The Parable of the Sower…

3 A sower went out to sow some seed… Some seed fell on the footpath… where it was trampled underfoot…

4 for lack of moisture It sprouted up, but withered Some seed fell on rocky soil…

5 Some seed fell among thorns… …which grew up and choked it.

6 But some seed fell on good soil… …and yielded a hundredfold. …It grew up…


8 Matthew 13:4 -10 Mark 4:3 – 9 Luke 8:4 - 8

9 The Parable of the Sower…

10 Church of St. Thérèse Chesapeake, Virginia Faith of Generations Preparing the soil for the seed that is sown…


12 Church of St. Thérèse Chesapeake, Virginia Faith of Generations

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