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Shapes. Describing Favorite Thing Good afternoon, Teacher I would like to describe my favorite thing. It is a ……. The shapes are …. The colors are ….

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Presentation on theme: "Shapes. Describing Favorite Thing Good afternoon, Teacher I would like to describe my favorite thing. It is a ……. The shapes are …. The colors are …."— Presentation transcript:

1 shapes

2 Describing Favorite Thing Good afternoon, Teacher I would like to describe my favorite thing. It is a ……. The shapes are …. The colors are …. It is made from … It smells like …. It weighs ….. The textures are ….. Well, Teacher, that’s all my description. Thanks for reading.

3 Face Corner Straight line Parts of a 2D shapes Angle

4 Face Corner ? Curve side Parts of a 2D shapes x Angle x

5 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Circle Face:Round Sides:Curve side Corner:0 Angle:0

6 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Square Face:Square Sides:Straight sides Corner:4 Angle:4

7 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Triangle Face:Triangular Sides:Straight sides Corner:3 Angle:3

8 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Oval Face:Oval Sides:Curve side Corner:0 Angle:0

9 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Rectangle Face:Rectangular Sides:Straight sides Corner:4 Angle:4

10 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Pentagon Face:Pentagon Sides:Straight sides Corner:5 Angle:5

11 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Hexagon Face:Hexagon Sides:Straight sides Corner:6 Angle:6

12 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Heptagon Face:Heptagon Sides:Straight sides Corner:7 Angle:7

13 Names of 2D shapes circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon circlesquare triangle oval rectangle pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon Name:Octagon Face:Octagon Sides:Straight sides Corner:8 Angle:8

14 Face Corner Straight line Parts of a 2D shapes Angle

15 Face Corner ? Curve side Parts of a 2D shapes x

16 Face Corner Straight line Angle

17 Parts of a 2D shapes Face Corner Curve side x

18 Guess what shape is this It has 3 straight sides and 3 corners… Answer : Triangle

19 Guess what shape is this It has 4 equal sides and 4 corners… Answer : Square

20 Guess what shape is this It has a round face. It has no corners… Answer : Circle

21 Guess what shape is this It has 4 corners and 4 sides. 2 of the sides are longer… Answer : Rectangle

22 Fill in the blanks Name : Face : Sides : Corners : Square square 4 equal sides 4

23 Fill in the blanks Name : Face : Sides : Corners : Rectangle Rectangular 4 straight sides 2 sides longer 4

24 Fill in the blanks Name : Face : Sides : Corners : Triangle Triangular 3 straight sides 3

25 Fill in the blanks Name : Face : Sides : Corners : Circle Round A curve side No corners

26 Fill in the blanks Name : Face : Sides : Corners : Oval A curve side No corners

27 shapes

28 The 3 dimensions are : i.Lengths (L) ii.Width (W) iii.Depth (D) Shapes with these 3 dimensions are called 3D SHAPES. The face of a 3D shapes can be FLAT or curve. What are 3D shapes ? L W D

29 Names of 3D shapes cube spherecylinder cone pyramid

30 Characteristic of prisms 1. Have at least 2 identical bases 2.Have straight sides 3.Have faces other than the bases in rectangular shapes

31 Square prism Types of 3D shapes

32 Parts of 3D shapes Face Base Vertex Edge

33 Rectangular prism Types of 3D shapes

34 Triangular prism Types of 3D shapes

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