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Maintenance of Effort Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability Title I University April 16, 2015 Chris McLaughlin.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintenance of Effort Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability Title I University April 16, 2015 Chris McLaughlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintenance of Effort Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability Title I University April 16, 2015 Chris McLaughlin

2 Learning Outcomes for Today’s Session Maintenance of Effort The participant will be able to: Define Maintenance of Effort State the importance of meeting the Maintenance of Effort requirement Locate and insert required Maintenance of Effort information into Title I, Part A, application for federal funds

3 What is Maintenance of Effort? To ensure that the funds made available under Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) are used to provide services that are in addition to the regular services normally provided by a division for participating children, three fiscal requirements related to the expenditure of regular state and local funds must be met. The division must: Maintain fiscal effort with state and local funds; Provide services in its Title I schools with state and local funds that are at least comparable to services provided in its non- Title I schools; and Use Title I, Part A, funds to supplement, not supplant regular non-federal funds.

4 What is Maintenance of Effort? A division may receive its full allocation of Title I, Part A, funds for any fiscal year only if the state determines that the division maintained its fiscal effort in accordance with Section 9521 of ESEA.Section 9521 of ESEA A division must show that the local and state funds expended by the division for free public education in the preceding fiscal year were at least 90 percent of the local and state funds expended by the division in the second preceding fiscal year.

5 Failure to Meet Maintenance of Effort – If a division fails to meet the Maintenance of Effort requirement, the state must reduce the amount of funds allocated under the programs covered by the requirement in any fiscal year in the exact proportion by which the division failed to maintain effort. In certain circumstances, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) may waive the Maintenance of Effort requirement: exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances, such as a natural disaster; or a precipitous decline in the financial resources of the local educational agency.

6 ESEA Maintenance of Effort Calculation

7 State and Local Per Pupil Expenditures

8 Title I, Part A, Application Program Requirements Tab Section L

9 Reminder... The Title I, Part A, application for federal funds will be released via Superintendent’s Memo in Spring 2015. The application is due on or before July 1, 2015.

10 Additional Information USED non-regulatory guidance on Title I Fiscal Issues includes a section on Maintenance of Effort.Title I Fiscal Issues

11 VDOE Contact Information: Title I, Part A Lynn Sodat, Ph.D., Title I Coordinator Lynn. Phone: (804) 371-2934 Gabie Frazier, Title I Specialist Phone: (804) 225-2907 Chris McLaughlin, Title I Specialist Phone: (804) 225-2901 Shyla Vesitis, Title I/III Specialist Phone: (804) 371-0770

12 Questions?

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