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Published byRoy Mathews Modified over 8 years ago
Session 14 Preparation of Tables for the CPIP Project for Capacity Development for the Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)
Objectives and Content Objective of Session 14: Training participants understand necessary tables prepared in the formulation process of the CPIP. Content:1. Presentation: How to prepare different tables for the CPIP 2. Q&A 1
2 Project Information Collection Three kinds of project information are collected for the CPIP formulation through a bottom-up process. The collected information is screened in several steps. Key information is the projects that are necessary for development the C/P but not yet committed by any stakeholders. The three kinds of information are as follows. Projects that are being implemented (= ongoing) Projects that are committed with secured budget (= committed) Projects that are necessary but not yet committed by any stakeholders (= project proposals)
3 Flow of information screening Task 1: Instructional meeting for the identification and preparation of project proposals (Sub-Step 1-2) Task 2: Each stakeholder prepares necessary information after the instructional meeting. (Sub-Step 1-2) Task 3: Screening of project proposals (Sub-Step 1-3) Task 4: Review meeting on the consolidated table of project proposals (Sub-Step 1-4) Task 5: Preparation of the draft CPIP (Sub-Step 2-1) Task 6: Uncommitted project selection (Sub-Step 2-3 & 2-4) Task 7: Preparation of the final draft CPIP (Sub-Step 2-6)
4 Information Screening Process (1) Task 1: Instructional meeting for the identification and preparation of project proposals 1.The BOG and PWG prepare and organize the instructional meeting to instruct relevant stakeholders to prepare and submit the information for the formulation of the CPIP.
5 Information Screening Process (2) Task 2: Each stakeholder prepares necessary information after the instructional meeting. Relevant stakeholders prepare the information by the following table formats. 1.1 Table of project proposals prepared by all relevant stakeholders 1.2a Table of C/P investment projects using C/P funds (Ongoing Projects) 1.2b Table of C/P investment projects using C/P funds (Committed Projects) by the Planning and Investment Division of the C/P Hall 1.3a Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Ongoing Projects) 1.3b Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Committed Projects) by line departments/institutions and other agencies
6 Information Screening Process (3) Task 2: Each stakeholder prepares necessary information after the instructional meeting (continued) The table of project proposals is prepared based on the following criteria. CriteriaRemarks Compliance with C/P Development Framework Projects or services that respond to the goals and objectives of the C/P Development Framework C/P jurisdictionProjects or services fall in the jurisdiction of the C/P administration (projects or services related to the obligatory or permissive functions of the C/P) Geographical coverage Projects or services that have inter-municipality and -district characteristics Ceiling on the number of projects The number of projects should be fixed based on the number set by the PWG.
7 Sample Table Format (1) No.Project nameObjectiveLocation Output Duration Beneficiary Project cost (Million Riel) Short Description UnitAmountTotalFemale 1. Economic Component 2. Social Component 3. Land Use, Natural Resource, Environment Disaster, and Climate Change Component 4. Administration and Security, Public Order Component Proposing organization: Date: Here is a sample format of the table of project proposals.
8 Sample Table Format (2) No. Project name ObjectiveLocation Output Fund source Implementing agency Duration Implementing Date Beneficiary Level of Investment cost (Million Riel) Short Description UnitAmountStart Complet e Total Femal e 1 st year 2 nd year 3 rd year Total 1. Economic Component 2. Social Component 3. Land Use, Natural Resource, Environment, Disaster, and Climate Change Component 4. Administration and Security, Public Order Component Proposing organization: Date: Below are the sample formats of the following. 1.2a Table of C/P investment projects using C/P funds (Ongoing Projects) 1.2b Table of C/P investment projects using C/P funds (Committed Projects) 1.3a Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Ongoing Projects) 1.3b Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Committed Projects)
9 Explanation of Columns (1) ItemExplanation Proposing Organization The name of the organization that prepares the table Date The date of the table prepared to distinguish between the former and latest table
10 Explanation of Columns (2) Item Explanation Project NameName that describes well the characteristics of a project ObjectiveAn ideal or improved situation that is expected to be achieved in three years by the project. Copy the appropriate objective from the table of the C/P development framework. [Example] 1. Irrigation facility construction project: the productivity of rice farming is improved. 2. School building construction project: a better environment for pupils is realized. 3. Vaccination project: the health condition of children is improved. LocationPlace such as a District where the project is implemented
11 Explanation of Columns (3) Item Explanation OutputThe details of physical and non-physical effects that are realized by the project [Example ] Irrigation facility construction project: Short description: the irrigation canal is constructed Unit: kilometer (km) Amount: 1 km Fund sourceName of organization(s) or scheme that provides the fund [Example] C/P investment budget (conditional and unconditional fund) World Bank, UNDP, etc. (Development Partners) Save the XXXX (NGOs) (only Sample Table Format 2)
12 Explanation of Columns (4) Item Explanation Implementing agency Name of organization(s) that are responsible for the implementation [Example] 1. Irrigation facility construction project: Department of Agriculture 2. School building construction project: Department of Education, Youth and Sports 3. Vaccination project: Department of Health (only Sample Table Format 2) DurationPeriod of project implementation (Three (3) years at most) Implementing date Starting month/year and ending month/year [Example] June 2015 or June 2017 Note: the date does not have to be included. (only Sample Table Format 2)
13 Explanation of Columns (5) Item Explanation BeneficiaryNumber of beneficiaries by the project [Example] 1. Irrigation facility construction project: 50 rice farmers 2. School building construction project: 300 pupils 3. Vaccination project: 700 children under 5 years old Level of Investment Cost Total expenditure including capital and operational cost Note : As for the Sample Table Format 2, the cost is calculated per year for three years at most.
14 Explanation of Columns (6) Calculation of the level of investment cost “Level of investment cost” must be filled out. The calculation is conducted as follows. The duration of the project is three years at most. The cost consists of a) capital cost and b) annual operational cost. Type of costExamples Capital cost- Construction and rehabilitation cost - Cost of training such as hiring trainers Annual operational cost- Maintenance cost (e.g., maintenance materials such as painting material) -Personnel cost (e.g., maintenance workers for the constructed building)
15 Explanation of Columns (7) Calculation of the level of investment cost (continued) The level of investment cost is calculated based on the following table and the numbers in are moved to the columns concerned in the Table Format 2. The same calculation is conducted for the project proposals, but the number in total is used for the column of the Project Cost, Table Format 1. Year 1Year 2Year 3Total Capital cost Annual operational cost Total
16 Information Screening Process (4) Task 3: Screening of project proposals The PWG reviews the tables of project proposals prepared by relevant stakeholders and prepares the consolidated table of project proposals. The PWG checks whether; There is sufficient and clear information in the tables; and They comply with the criteria for initial identification of project proposals Consistency with the C/P development framework C/P jurisdiction Geographical coverage Ceiling on the number of projects If the identified objectives and solutions in the C/P development framework are not covered by the projects submitted by the stakeholders, the PWG, in cooperation with the C/P administration and relevant agencies, shall try formulating the projects relevant to the identified objectives and solutions.
17 Information Screening Process (5) Task 3: Screening of project proposals (continued) The tables of project proposals are consolidated into one table and the projects that have the same activities and objective under the same component is merged into one project. After the tables are consolidated, the projects are given priority order (high, middle, law) by the Scoring Method. Table of Project Proposals from Stakeholder A Table of Project Proposals from Stakeholder B Table of Project Proposals from Stakeholder C Table of Project Proposals from Stakeholder D Consolidated Table of Project Proposals
18 Sample Table of Scoring Method Each group chooses three or four criteria from Urgency, Technical Aspects, Cost, Policy Prioritization, Beneficiaries, Sustainability, Gender, Environmental Aspects, and Feasibility. ProjectsXX Policy Prioritization Total Project A352212 Project B243111 Project C335314 The Score ranges from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high). Note. The scores should be fixed in vertical direction.
19 Sample Table Format (3) No.Project nameObjectiveLocation Output Duration Beneficiary Project cost (Million Riel) Priority Short Description UnitAmountTotalFemale 1. Economic Component 2. Social Component 3. Land Use, Natural Resource, Environment Disaster, and Climate Change Component 4. Administration and Security, Public Order Component Date: The following is a sample format of the table of consolidated project proposals.
20 Information Screening Process (6) Task 4: Review meeting on the consolidated table of project proposals The PWG gives a presentation on the C/P development framework and the consolidated table of project proposals. Relevant stakeholders review the consolidated table of project proposals from the following viewpoints. whether projects are in line with the goals, objectives, and solutions of the C/P development framework whether there are duplicated or similar projects in the tables whether the priority order is appropriate The table of C/P priority project proposals (Table 1.5)
21 Information Screening Process (7) Task 5 Preparation of the draft CPIP The table of C/P priority project proposals is converted to “2.1c Table of C/P three-year investment projects (Uncommitted Projects)” according to the following priority order: high priority to 1 st year, medium to 2 nd year; and low to 3 rd year.
22 Information Screening Process (8) Task 5 Preparation of the draft CPIP (continued) The following tables submitted by relevant stakeholders are consolidated into one table without any screening and prioritization. Tables submitted by relevant stakeholders One consolidated table 1.2a Table of C/P investment projects using C/P funds (Ongoing Projects) 2.1a Table of C/P three-year investment projects (Ongoing Projects) 1.2b Table of C/P investment projects using C/P funds (Committed Projects) 2.1b Table of C/P three-year investment projects (Committed Projects) 1.3a Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Ongoing Project) No number: Consolidated table of 1.3a using the format of the table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Ongoing Projects) 1.3b Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Committed Project) No number: Consolidated tables of 1.3b using the format of the table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Committed Projects)
23 Sample Table Format (4) The following table is the sample format of, 2.1a Table of C/P three-year investment projects (Ongoing Projects) 2.1b Table of C/P three-year investment projects (Committed Projects) 2.1c Table of C/P three-year investment projects (Uncommitted Projects) No number: Consolidated table of 1.3a / Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Ongoing Projects) No number: Consolidated tables of 1.3b / Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Committed Projects) No. Project name ObjectiveLocation Output Fund source Implementing agency Duration Implementing Date Beneficiary Level of Investment cost (Million Riel) Short Description UnitAmountStart Complet e Total Femal e 1 st year 2 nd year 3 rd year Total 1. Economic Component 2. Social Component 3. Land Use, Natural Resource, Environment, Disaster, and Climate Change Component 4. Administration and Security, Public Order Component
24 Information Screening Process (9) Task 6: Uncommitted project selection After “Sub-Step 2-3: Integration Workshop of CPIP” and “Sub-Step 2-4: Project Selection for using C/P Investment Fund”, the table of C/P three-year investment projects (Uncommitted Projects) (Table 2.1c) must be revised by the PWG. At least, after “Sub-Step 2-3: Integration Workshop”, uncommitted projects that are supported by the participants of the integration workshop are removed from Table 2.1c.
25 Information Screening Process (10) Task 7: Preparation of the final draft CPIP The PWG finalizes tables reflecting the result of pervious process. The uncommitted projects that secure the budget are removed from Table 2.1c of C/P three-year investment projects (Uncommitted Projects). The uncommitted projects that are funded by the C/P are added to Table 2.1b of C/P three-year investment projects (Committed Projects). The uncommitted projects that are funded by ministries, institutions, and other agencies are added to Consolidated table of 1.3b / Table of C/P investment projects using funds of ministries, institutions, and other agencies (Committed Projects).
26 Information Screening Process (11) The following sequential tasks are implemented by different stakeholders. Task 1: Instructional meeting for identification and preparation of project proposals PWG/BOG Task 2: Each stakeholder prepares necessary information after the instructional meeting. Each stakeholder Task 3: Screening of project proposalsPWG Task 4: Review meeting on the consolidated table of project proposals All relevant stakeholders Task 5: Preparation of the draft of CPIPPWG Task 6: Uncommitted project selection PWG/Financial Division /Relevant stakeholders Task 7: Preparation of the final draft CPIPPWG
27 Q&A Any questions in relation to the Session 14?
28 Thank You
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