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UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 2013 Technology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide.

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Presentation on theme: "UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 2013 Technology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 2013 Technology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide 1

2 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Dr. Anita Leffel UTSA Center for Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship 2CITE BootCamp February 2013 2012 Technology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp Sponsored by Jackson Walker

3 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Technology Entrepreneurship Technology Entrepreneurship is a major driver of our economy and is growing in San Antonio 3CITE BootCamp February 2013

4 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! So Let’s Play Spot the Entrepreneur Slide 4CITE BootCamp February 2013

5 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 5 OK, That was easy – let’s make it a little harder CITE BootCamp February 2013

6 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 6 A)Oprah B) Richard C) Bill D) Crazy Scientist CITE BootCamp February 2013

7 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 7 Don’t get confused Between inventors and entrepreneurs Inventors create new technologies (ideas) Entrepreneurs create new business (money) Which one has the better ROI? CITE BootCamp February 2013

8 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 8 The former have these CITE BootCamp February 2013

9 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 9 The latter have these CITE BootCamp February 2013

10 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Do You Have The Courage to be a Tech Entrepreneur? CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide 10

11 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Facebook IPO Started 2004 in dorm Fun idea, maybe get a date IPO in 2012 Over 1 billion users Stock value down 50% - WTF? (what the Facebook?) CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide 11

12 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 12 …whatever Sept 2007 azine/118/girl-power.html azine/118/girl-power.html No rich relatives? No professional mentors? No problem. Ashley Qualls, 17, has built a million-dollar web site. She's LOL all the way to the bank. :) 60 million page views a month Ranked 349 th out of 20 million web pages (Oprah 469 th ) CITE BootCamp February 2013

13 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 13 whatever Started doing something fun Business model emerged (who receives benefit, who pays?) Offered 1.5 million for site and 2 million for web show – said no. Was making $70 000 a month CITE BootCamp February 2013

14 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! 14 The Growth “Rule of Ten” Who is my first customer –Why will they pay me for my product/service? –How will I secure the deal? –What resources do I need to complete the transaction? Each growth by a factor of ten requires the entrepreneur to evaluate how they will do business Without this vision forget going into business Each growth by a factor of ten requires the entrepreneur to evaluate how they will do business Without this vision forget going into business Who are my next 10 customers Who are my next 100 customers Who are my next 1 000 customers Who are my next 10 000 customers CITE BootCamp February 2013

15 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Today’s Speakers CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide 15 Dr. Anita Leffel, CITE, Dept. of ETM Ian Clemens, CEO Viroxis Saumil Shah, CEO, Live Oak Logic Sean Crandall, Associate, Jackson Walker LLP, UTSA Alum Jim Poage, President and CEO, Startech Nicole Gewinner, Associate, Jackson Walker LLP Tom Roberts, CEO, Invictus

16 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Agenda CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide 16

17 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! In the field of observation, chance only favors minds which are prepared. Louis Pasteur In the field of observation, chance only favors minds which are prepared. Louis Pasteur How can an entrepreneur identify and select a valuable opportunity? The choice of an opportunity and the decision to act is a critical juncture in the life of an entrepreneur. With the decision to act, the entrepreneur prepares a business summary for the venture that is used to test the new venture with potential investors, employees, and customers. Summary Slide 17CITE BootCamp February 2013

18 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Six steps to Acting as a Technology Entrepreneur Slide 18CITE BootCamp February 2013

19 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Types of Opportunity : Opportunity Pull: the size of the opportunity attracts opportunity seekers to attempting to exploit it. Example: A drug to mitigate the effect of Alzheimer’s disease. Types of Opportunity : Opportunity Pull: the size of the opportunity attracts opportunity seekers to attempting to exploit it. Example: A drug to mitigate the effect of Alzheimer’s disease. Opportunity Pull Slide 19CITE BootCamp February 2013

20 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Types of Opportunity : Capability Push: a new technology or capability causes a search for new applications. Example: Digital Television Types of Opportunity : Capability Push: a new technology or capability causes a search for new applications. Example: Digital Television Opportunity Push Slide 20CITE BootCamp February 2013

21 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Nine Categories of Opportunity: 1. Increasing the value of a product or a service 2. New applications of existing means or technologies 3. Creating mass markets 4. Customization for individuals 5. Increasing reach 6. Managing the supply chain 7. Convergence of change 8. Process innovation 9. Increasing the scale of the firm 9 Types of Opportunity Slide 21CITE BootCamp February 2013

22 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Evaluating an Opportunity : Sources of Discontinuities I. Society Aging Society Lifelong Education Food and Population Regulation II. Technology Innovation Disruptive Technologies New Knowledge III. Markets Deregulation Supply Chain disruption Evaluating an Opportunity : Sources of Discontinuities I. Society Aging Society Lifelong Education Food and Population Regulation II. Technology Innovation Disruptive Technologies New Knowledge III. Markets Deregulation Supply Chain disruption Discontinuity as an Opportunity Slide 22CITE BootCamp February 2013

23 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Teams Positive attitudes towards independence, achievement, and innovation Acceptance of risk and demanding work effort Capabilities matching the needs of the venture Willing to make the commitment required Passionate about the opportunity Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Teams Positive attitudes towards independence, achievement, and innovation Acceptance of risk and demanding work effort Capabilities matching the needs of the venture Willing to make the commitment required Passionate about the opportunity Resources Capable of securing access to the human, financial, and physical resources required by the opportunity Characteristics of the Context Timeliness Favorable industry conditions Future conditions appear favorable Green Light for an Opportunity Characteristics of the Opportunity Novelty of the product Potential for sustainable long- term success Potential for good return on investment Potential for a growing market Good risk-versus-reward balance Customers are known and responsive Slide 23CITE BootCamp February 2013

24 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! TIME TO GET STARTED CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide 24 UTSA Center for Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship (CITE)

25 UTSA Colleges of Business and Engineering TAKE YOUR TECHNOLOGY TO THE LIMIT! CITE BootCamp February 2013Slide 25 2013 Technology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp

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