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MilkIT 3 rd Advisory Council Meeting Almora 07/06/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "MilkIT 3 rd Advisory Council Meeting Almora 07/06/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 MilkIT 3 rd Advisory Council Meeting Almora 07/06/2013

2 MilkIT objectives Institutional strengthening: To strengthen use of value chain and innovation approaches among dairy stakeholders to improve feeding strategies for dairy cows. Productivity enhancement: To develop options for improved feeding strategies leading to yield enhancement with potential income benefits. Knowledge sharing: To strengthen knowledge sharing mechanisms on feed development strategies at local, regional and international levels

3 Meeting objectives Overview of activities last 6 months Group discussion – What will be taken by Advisory council members from the project? – What outputs the projects should deliver? How it will be used? – How would you measure the success of the project?

4 Chairperson

5 Update so far…… Village census Site selection- 2 clusters/district Household census Constraint analysis FEAST IP (Innovation platform) platform meetings Marketing and feed interventions

6 Overview IP Innovations Infrastructure Institutions Capable individuals Supporting institutions Interaction network

7 IP meetings 1 DVC IP and 2 feed IP/ district Constraints analysis/ issues identification Regular meetings every 3 months at cluster level Follow up meetings in villages Implementation of interventions developed from IP agreed action plan

8 Sult-IP update Exposure visiit- donogiri Dairy co-operative at Baseri- 2 more in progress Vanpanchayat project- grassland improvement- in progress- support of forest dept Improved dairy animals- AH dept Introduction grass varieties-demand for more

9 Bageshwar-IP Collection centre- co-operative Introduction of grass- but not so success

10 Chhona cluster No progress in IP interventions- marketing FEAST- outcome – Scarce crop land or grass land due to mine industry – Migration and employment is high, scarcity of labour for livestock activities – Cost for collection/purchase of grass is high – No surplus milk to sell outside settlement, dominance of informal milk marketing to neighbours – Interventions of feed can be limited to conservation of grasses, chopping the fodder can decrease the waste. – Interventions for the green fodder in crop land is limited as they use for subsistence staple food production

11 Further plan.. Exposure visit- Anand, Gujarat (Anchal support) Extension of one more cluster- Khabra? Gariket? Napier grass, Thysoluenia grass, Kucchi, Rye and Broom grass Fertilization of private grass land Introduction of legume grass Prevention of fodder waste- chaff cutter/ feed trough Concentrate feeding

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