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What is Inquiry Learning? Is All Inquiry Learning the Same? Is Inquiry the Only Approach to Learning Science?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Inquiry Learning? Is All Inquiry Learning the Same? Is Inquiry the Only Approach to Learning Science?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Inquiry Learning? Is All Inquiry Learning the Same? Is Inquiry the Only Approach to Learning Science?

2 Inquiry- An Approach to Learning 1. Inquiry teaching is a central feature of the national science standards. 2. Science teaching should include a wide spectrum of approaches to learning science. 3. Inquiry is one approach to teaching. All hands on is not inquiry. All hands on is not inquiry. Not all inquiry is hands on. Not all inquiry is hands on. Rankin, Lynn. Lessons Learned: Addressing Common Misconceptions About Inquiry. In National Science Foundation. (1999). Inquiry thoughts, views and strategies for the K-5 Classroom. Arlington VA: NSF.

3 Inquiry teaching is a way of 1. Developing facts, concepts, and generalizations. 2. Applying inter-related science process skills while developing science ideas. 3. Solving problems and answering questions. 4. Developing curiosity, understanding the natural world, and solving problems. Rankin, Lynn. Lessons Learned: Addressing Common Misconceptions About Inquiry. In National Science Foundation. (1999). Inquiry thoughts, views and strategies for the K-5 Classroom. Arlington VA: NSF.

4 Inquiry Learning Experience

5 RI GSEs in Science 5-8 Assessment Targets PS1 (5-8) INQ-1 Investigate the relationships among mass, volume and density. PS1 (5-8) INQ+POC –2 Given data about characteristic properties of matter (e.g., melting and boiling points, density, solubility) identify, compare, or classify different substances.

6 Set up your Notebook Go to next blank page. Go to next blank page. Add Today’s Date Add Today’s Date Add Title to Table of Contents: The Cartesian Diver Add Title to Table of Contents: The Cartesian Diver

7 (Engaging Scenario or Set Induction)

8 Focus Question In your own words, what question are you trying to answer? In your own words, what question are you trying to answer? Use How or What as a starter word. Use How or What as a starter word.

9 Class Focus Question How do scuba divers How do scuba divers sink or float?

10 Prediction I think this will happen when I squeeze the bottle….because….. I think this will happen when I squeeze the bottle….because…..

11 Planning Glue “Planning/Procedure sheet into notebook. Glue “Planning/Procedure sheet into notebook. Gather materials: 2-liter plastic bottle with cap, water in bottle, and eye dropper Gather materials: 2-liter plastic bottle with cap, water in bottle, and eye dropper Set up data organizer. Set up data organizer. Gently squeeze the sides of the plastic soda bottle. Notice what happens. Gently squeeze the sides of the plastic soda bottle. Notice what happens. Squeeze and release the bottle several times and notice what happens. Squeeze and release the bottle several times and notice what happens. Draw and write what you observe in data organizer. Draw and write what you observe in data organizer.

12 Observation Guide List things you might observe: List things you might observe:

13 Set up a Data Organizer Eye Dropper Sinks Eye Dropper Does Not Sink Draw bottle dropper and write what you observe.

14 CONTENT BLAST! The Cartesian diver demonstrates not only buoyancy, but the implications of the ideal gas law and Pascal's principle as well. buoyancyideal gas lawPascal's principle buoyancyideal gas lawPascal's principle Squeezing on the top of the sealed two-liter bottle decreases the volume and therefore increases air pressure above the water. By Pascal's principle, that pressure is transmitted to all parts of the container. Squeezing on the top of the sealed two-liter bottle decreases the volume and therefore increases air pressure above the water. By Pascal's principle, that pressure is transmitted to all parts of the container. This increases the pressure inside the dropper. The increased pressure decreases the volume of air at the top of the vial, and in so doing, decreases the amount of water displaced by the dropper. The dropper is more dense. This increases the pressure inside the dropper. The increased pressure decreases the volume of air at the top of the vial, and in so doing, decreases the amount of water displaced by the dropper. The dropper is more dense. This decreases the buoyant force on it enough to cause it to sink. This decreases the buoyant force on it enough to cause it to sink. Source: http://hyperphysics.phy- Source: http://hyperphysics.phy- Source: http://hyperphysics.phy- Source: http://hyperphysics.phy-

15 CONTENT BLAST! Scuba divers have to control their depth in the water. Scuba divers have to control their depth in the water. Since the human body is less dense than water, people float. Since the human body is less dense than water, people float. A diver wears two pieces of equipment: a weigh belt and a buoyancy compensator. A diver wears two pieces of equipment: a weigh belt and a buoyancy compensator. The heavy metal weights on the belt enable the diver to sink. The heavy metal weights on the belt enable the diver to sink. The buoyancy compensator can be inflated with air to increase buoyancy or deflated to reduce it. The buoyancy compensator can be inflated with air to increase buoyancy or deflated to reduce it.

16 ClaimEvidence The object (dropper) sinkswhen ……….. The object (dropper) doesn’t sinkwhen……… CLAIMS AND EVIDENCE Restate your focus question as a statement. Restate your prediction.

17 Conclusion Read your prediction. Read your prediction. Will you accept or revise your prediction? Will you accept or revise your prediction? Write a conclusion by revising or restating your prediction. Write a conclusion by revising or restating your prediction. What did you learn? What did you learn? I used to think (prediction), Now I think...

18 Next Step - New Questions I would like to find out …. I would like to find out …. I would like to investigate… I would like to investigate…


20 What Can Be Controlled? Topic Topic Questions Questions Materials Materials Procedures/Design Procedures/Design Results/Analysis Results/Analysis Conclusions Conclusions

21 Inquiry Continuum

22 In what kind of inquiry learning were we engaged? Where on the continuum would you place the learning from FOSS, STC, and Insights science kits?

23 National Science Education Standards advocates “student directed research” as an expectation for science teaching and learning.

24 Inquiry Learning is Not Chaotic. 1. Inquiry learning is carefully orchestrated. It is planned. It’s purposeful. 2. Inquiry is defined by the amount of flexibility a teacher allows for controlling what and how students learn. 3. As teachers gain an understanding of inquiry, they can become more flexible in what they control. Rankin, Lynn. Lessons Learned: Addressing Common Misconceptions About Inquiry. In National Science Foundation. (1999). Inquiry thoughts, views and strategies for the K-5 Classroom. Arlington VA: NSF.

25 Link to National Science Teaching Standards STANDARD A: Teachers of science plan an inquiry- based science program for their students. National Science Education Standards

26 Link to National Science Teaching Standards STANDARD B:Teachers of science guide and facilitate learning. In doing this, teachers... Focus and support inquiries while interacting with students. Focus and support inquiries while interacting with students. Encourage and model the skills of scientific inquiry, as well as the curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism that characterize science. Encourage and model the skills of scientific inquiry, as well as the curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism that characterize science.

27 Rhode Island Beginning Teacher Standards Standard 5: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Teachers -Engage students in generating knowledge, testing hypotheses, and exploring methods of inquiry and standards of evidence. (5.4)

28 Physical Science and Technology Resources FOSS Web FOSS Web FOSS Web FOSS Web FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island Marbles, Tracks, and Ramps (K) Marbles, Tracks, and Ramps (K) FOSS Balance and Motion (Grade 1) FOSS Balance and Motion (Grade 1) DACTA Simple Machines (Grade 2) DACTA Simple Machines (Grade 2) STC Sound (Grade 3) STC Sound (Grade 3) STC Electric Circuits (Grade 4) STC Electric Circuits (Grade 4) STC Floating and Sinking (Grade 5) STC Floating and Sinking (Grade 5) STC Floating and Sinking (Grade 5) STC Floating and Sinking (Grade 5)

29 Physical Science and Technology Community Resources Physical Science and Technology Community Resources Community Resources Community Resources Boston Museum of Science Boston Museum of Science Boston Museum of Science Boston Museum of Science Providence Children’s Museum Providence Children’s Museum Providence Children’s Museum Providence Children’s Museum Rhode Island School of the Future Rhode Island School of the Future Rhode Island School of the Future Rhode Island School of the Future DOD Starbase in Newport, RI Click on Location-Click on RI. DOD Starbase in Newport, RI Click on Location-Click on RI. DOD Starbase DOD Starbase

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