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Light Source Reviews The BES Perspective July 23, 2002 Pedro A. Montano Materials Sciences and Engineering Basic Energy Sciences BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES.

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Presentation on theme: "Light Source Reviews The BES Perspective July 23, 2002 Pedro A. Montano Materials Sciences and Engineering Basic Energy Sciences BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Light Source Reviews The BES Perspective July 23, 2002 Pedro A. Montano Materials Sciences and Engineering Basic Energy Sciences BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

2 The light source reviews are performed every three years. The BES objective is to produce the best science possible at our facilities.The BES objective is to produce the best science possible at our facilities. The user community should have access to the light sources using aThe user community should have access to the light sources using a proposal evaluation system that is fair and stimulate the performance of high quality research. The resources provided to the facilities should be used to optimize its utilization as well as the development of new and better techniques for synchrotron radiation applications.The resources provided to the facilities should be used to optimize its utilization as well as the development of new and better techniques for synchrotron radiation applications. BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

3 Topics covered in the review:  Facility performance (schedules, users participation, etc)  Selected presentations of the most outstanding research performed at the Facility during the last two years (by field of research)  R&D plans and future scientific directions  Laboratory plans that may affect the Facility The schedule should include time for the reviewers to meet individually with the facility scientific staff in their focus areas and additional areas of interest. We would like to have a focus session with representatives of the users community (i.e. User Executive Committee) and PRT spokespersons (not affiliated to the Facility), without the laboratory management presence. The agenda and logistics for the review should be coordinated with BES. BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

4 Information Requested from the Facility: Information Requested from the Facility: 1) Facility i.Brief description of the facility ( one paragraph). ii.Provide a breakdown of all staff (permanent and temporary) and their assignments (personnel and budget allocation to each specific assignment): accelerator staff, facility beamline scientists, facility beamline operational staff, technicians and operators assign to users support, computing, clerical and administration. iii.Brief description of on going R&D activities at the facility: accelerator improvements, beamlines improvements, etc… 2) Beamlines 1.i.Drawing of the floor plan, with a brief description of each beamline. 2.ii.Describe the facility beamlines available to users and percentage time allocated to outside users. 3.iii.How many beamlines (facility, PRT) are operational and what percentage of operational time is allocated to outside users. 4.iv.Describe the communities served by each beamline (i.e. Biology, Materials Science, etc…). 3) Support facilities- sample preparation, computing capabilities, etc… 1.i.What is available? 2.ii.What is planned? BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

5 Information Requested from the Facility (continued): Information Requested from the Facility (continued): Users i.How is beam time allocated to outside user? ii.Reviewing process: A plot of the beam time allocations per year vs. the number of groups receiving this time allotment (i.e. Materials Science, Biology, etc…). Also: user experiments per year, and proposals per year. Percentage of beam time per year allocated to facility scientists. Impact 1.i. List all publications in the last two years in refereed journals only. This list should separate papers according to work performed by outside users or facility staff. Separate out conference proceedings. 2.ii. List invited lectures and major awards for facility staff and outside users. 3.iii. List the twenty most important publications of work performed at the facility over the past two years, include Citation index. 3) Cost Indicator 1.i. Cost per paper (total cost of beamlines operation/ number of papers per year). 2.ii. Cost per delivered beam day (delivered beam days/ number of papers per year). 4) BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

6 Future 1.i. Describe in a brief statement the plans for future beamlines and facility upgrade. 2.ii. Describe the potential impact on the facility of the phasing out of some or all PRTs due to financial or scientific difficulties, provide a budget estimate of what will be needed to keep such beam lines operating. 3.iii. Identify potential problems- such as power shortages, environmental contamination, etc… 4.iv. Provide a budget estimate required to upgrade the beamlines scientific instrumentation, motor controls, detectors and associated electronics. 5.v. What are the expected trends in user demand: internal, external and scientific area they represent (materials, chemistry, biology etc…). BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

7 The reviewer should provide an individual evaluation addressing the following issues:  Quality of the research performed at the facility in terms of number and impact of published research.  Appropriateness and quality of the facility staff research and development (R&D) program.  Satisfaction of the user community with the facility support and staff.  Overall availability of quality beam time to the user community.  What is the user demand at the facility?  Evaluate the proposal review process for beam time allocation, effectiveness and fairness.  Evaluate the fairness in the distribution of beam time among users, i.e. facility staff vs. outside users.  Evaluate the appropriateness of the beamline instrumentation to satisfy the present and future needs of the user community.  Evaluate the cost effectiveness of beamline operation, i.e. cost of operating a specific beamline in relation to its demand by users.  Evaluate what is an appropriate level of research and development funding for efforts related to improving operations, accelerator, insertion devices, advanced instrumentation, etc…  What will be the most effective way to improve the scientific productivity in number and quality, support for facility R&D and/or direct support to the users?  Cost effectiveness of the facility, publications, and scientific impact vs. cost of operation.  How the facility sees its role in the synchrotron radiation community at large?  What is the expected future capability of the facility and specifically of the PRT operational structure? BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

8 The Reviews of the Four BES Synchrotron Radiation Facilities were completed by February 2002. Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) April 3-5, 2001 National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) July 11-13, 2001 Advanced Photon Source (APS) October 16-18, 2001 Advanced Light Source (ALS) February 4-6, 2002 BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

9 Some Interesting Statistics for the Four Synchrotron Radiation Facilities in FY 2001 Total Number of Users6568 Total Number of General Users 4412 Total Number of Publications2061 Total Number of Beamlines166 BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future



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