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Conte’s Poetic Memory and Literary Systems. Feeling a little lost?

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Presentation on theme: "Conte’s Poetic Memory and Literary Systems. Feeling a little lost?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conte’s Poetic Memory and Literary Systems

2 Feeling a little lost?

3 Let me help you out!

4 What is allusion?

5 Allusion requires: The author to be affected by the illusion-35 “Sympathetic vibration{s} can be set up between the poet’s and reader’s memories when they are directed to a source”-35

6 The author and allusion

7 Sympathetic Vibrations

8 Feeling not necessarily specifics

9 Allusion could be competitive, or not

10 Letter versus Sense -38 Letter is the literal meaning of the sign Sense is the meaning behind it

11 How does language mean Wiedergbrauchsrede= Language that can be reused Verbrauchsrede= Language that is used up in the currency of everyday living

12 Communication versus Poetics Poetic language is set apart Poetic language systems can be used to process poetics solely on their own because poetic language uses poetic signs if language is communicative then there is no deeper meaning

13 Requirements of poetic language Create dissonance in the reader-46 allow the text to have its own authority-46 let the reader not have direct answers-46

14 Allusion and Metaphor both require a specific culture-53 both require specific memory on the part of author and reader both are ‘improper’ forms of expression both allow substitution of denotation with connotation-55

15 Difference in Allusion and Metaphor Metaphor shows what it’s trying to do while not fitting into perfect -56 Allusion fits perfectly fine in the text but requires the reader to go beyond if for a more full understanding

16 Allusion types Integrative allusion – Take alluded to text’s meaning and uses it to bolster it’s own voice Reflective allusion – Similar to simile as a rhetorical device – both simile and reflective allusion do not seek to alter or disturb original texts or meanings

17 How does Conte use this?

18 Homer

19 Catullus

20 Virgil

21 Author use Virgil uses Catullus who uses Homer

22 Homer and Catullus Catullus uses Homer for word play reasons

23 Virgil to the others Virgil uses allusion to claim authority

24 Now it’s your turn Break up into teams of three Use Conte’s Letter and Sense to figure out what the text is saying and what it is meaning Figure out if this fits into Conte’s Integrative Allusion and Reflective Allusion How do these texts mean differently knowing what you now do about Conte’s Allusion

25 Matthew 21:13. > Isaiah 56:7 1 Peter 3:14, 15 > Isaiah 8:12, 13. Mark 14:31 > Zechariah 13:7 Mark 15:34 > Psalm 22:1 1 Peter 2:6 > Isaiah 28:16 or Psalms 118:22-23

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