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In notebooks answer this question: What can death teach us about life?

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Presentation on theme: "In notebooks answer this question: What can death teach us about life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In notebooks answer this question: What can death teach us about life?

2  Thantos (Greek)- Death  Opsis (Greek)- Seeing  Thanatopsis= looking at death- a way of viewing it.  By William Cullen Bryant  P. 336

3  Attracted to a deist philosophy, which states that divinity can be found in nature.  Started writing at age 9.  Wrote “Thanatopsis” when he was 17.  Considered to be an outspoken liberal- supported social reform, free speech, and abolition of slavery.

4  Draws moral lessons from nature.  Emphasis on Imagination  Colorful language  Fascination with the Supernatural  Fascination with dead  Encourage individualism  Emotion  Patriotism

5  Communion- the sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings.  Musings-deep thoughts or contemplations  Shroud- a garment a dead person is wrapped in for burial.  Blight- a thing that spoils or damages something.  Elements- one of four substances (earth, air, fire, water).

6  Pensive- thinking deeply or seriously.  Quarry-a place, usually a large deep pit from which stone or other materials have been extracted.  Rude Swain- a uneducated youth.  Pall- coffin cover  Hoary-seers- white haired prophets.

7  Correct: subject, verb, complement or object word order.  Bryant: rearranges to keep same meter.  Example: Yoda > Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.

8  Open Books to page 338

9  Earth nourishes us and will reclaim us.  Do not go alone- reunited with all that go before us.  Endless cycle (birth-growth-re-birth)  Death is a natural part of life (theme)

10  In pairs (meaning 2 people) paraphrase the lines assigned to you.  Determine what they mean.  Identify poetic devices.  Explain how Bryant uses the device to convey meaning.  Share and take notes.

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