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NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE ENHET/AVDELING Electronic monitoring of the offender/ reverse domestic violence alarm Equality Pays conference, 8 March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE ENHET/AVDELING Electronic monitoring of the offender/ reverse domestic violence alarm Equality Pays conference, 8 March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE ENHET/AVDELING Electronic monitoring of the offender/ reverse domestic violence alarm Equality Pays conference, 8 March 2011 Ingvild Hoel National Police Directorate Norway Analyses and Crime Prevention Section

2 NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE ENHET/AVDELING Endres i topp-/bunntekst04.06.2016 Side 2 Electronic monitoring of the offender/ reverse domestic violence alarm Legal framework: A special penal sanction of violence in intimate relationships entered into force on January 1th 2006 Also covers mental abuse Penal framework from 3 to 6 years (abuse) -”- from 6 to 15 years (aggregated abuse) New law/act; Ot.prop. Nr 25 (2009)

3 NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE ENHET/AVDELING Endres i topp-/bunntekst04.06.2016 Side 3 Electronic monitoring of the offender/ reverse domestic violence alarm Pilot project on persons who have violated a ban of visit/ restraining order The perpetrator will be fitted with an electronic tagging device More safe/secure everyday life for the victim Better protection to the victim More freedom of movement for the victim Shift the burden from the victim to the offender – the perpetrator must take more responsibility Restricted movement for the perpetrator Help prevent violence and threats

4 NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE ENHET/AVDELING Endres i topp-/bunntekst04.06.2016 Side 4 Electronic monitoring of the offender/reverse domestic violence alarm Offender Victim Police Police control room Safe zone violation Alarm actively trigged Too close Incidents Alarm Incidents Adm/sabotage

5 NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE ENHET/AVDELING Endres i topp-/bunntekst04.06.2016 Side 5 Electronic monitoring of the offender/ reverse domestic violence alarm Some central figures for 2010: * Offences regarding Domestic violence (serious crimes), registered by the police: 2 474 * Offences against “Ban of visit”/restraining orders: 1 651 * Portable alarms: 1 537 * Past 10 years 1/3 of all murders in Norway each year have been women killed by their partners or former partners

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