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Welcome! 1. Look on note cards to find your seat. This is 2 nd block, so your name is after the 2. 2. Complete Bellringer. When you finish Bellringer,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! 1. Look on note cards to find your seat. This is 2 nd block, so your name is after the 2. 2. Complete Bellringer. When you finish Bellringer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! 1. Look on note cards to find your seat. This is 2 nd block, so your name is after the 2. 2. Complete Bellringer. When you finish Bellringer, bring it to me and pick up syllabi.

2 Basic Procedures of our classroom

3 Entering Classroom Move to your assigned seat. If you are not in YOUR seat, you will be counted absent. Begin Bellringer

4 BELLRINGERS This will begin each day The day’s bellringer will be on board or screen. Begin when bell rings. Always put date on your paper. I will collect these randomly & grad on quality and correctness. Collection Procedure –You will pass your bellringers forward. –Once I begin collecting, you are to stop writing so that we can move on with class.

5 Procedure for getting quiet I will raise my hand. When you see me do so, raise your hand and immediately stop talking. Help each other out. Let’s make this quick, quiet, and simple! Let’s Practice!

6 If you do not have pen & paper Silently, go to bookshelf on window wall and get what you need. Return your pencil at the end of class.

7 If you are late to class Come in room quietly – do not disrupt others. We don’t need to be told why you are late or what happened on the way to school. Give me your tardy slip and silently find your seat.

8 Need to use restroom We will follow the 10/10 rule: –No one leaves room during the first or last ten minutes of class. Do not ask. You may not ask while I am teaching. Bring me your punch pass, and I will fill out clipboard. ONLY use the restrooms to the left of my room.

9 If you miss class: Go to Make-Up Work Center located on window wall. Find your block on tower – they’re labeled. Look at calendar to get summary of work & handouts missed. Locate and take required handouts. Be sure to get notes from a neighbor or my website.

10 When class is over Remain in your seat until the bell rings.

11 If you are throwing away paper Put ALL PAPER in our recycle bin. All other trash goes in the trashcan!

12 Cleaning up after an activity Every one must help clean up. No one leaves until my approval is met. No one leaves until all supplies are accounted for.

13 What’s OFF LIMITS? The pink cabinet My desk & phone Filing cabinets

14 Emergency Evacuation - Fire Immediately and calmly exit the classroom, turn right, pass the office, and exit through the doors to the staff parking lot. Find ME - I will have the yellow placard and will take roll. Stay with our class. See Ms. Haddix if you cannot find me or our class!

15 Tornado Procedures Quietly and calmly exit classroom, turn right, and proceed to the Central Wing hallway. Our area is in front of Room 140, which is the very first room on the right. Remain quiet and follow all directions.

16 Lockdown Procedures Door will be covered and locked. Each student is to remain silent and calm. Students are to relocate to the front left corner of the room and STAY QUIET.

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