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SWPBS Day 3: Universal Curriculum Acknowledgement Systems and Defining Behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "SWPBS Day 3: Universal Curriculum Acknowledgement Systems and Defining Behaviors."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWPBS Day 3: Universal Curriculum Acknowledgement Systems and Defining Behaviors

2 4 : 1 8/24/2010 2

3 Objectives Understand why acknowledgement systems are a critical feedback mechanism for students. Develop acknowledgement system Define office vs. classroom handled problem behaviors Define how each type of problem behavior is handled in a flow chart display 3

4 Faculty Overview Share Out East End First District 4

5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SYSTEMS 5 Abington School District: Implementing SWPBS

6 What Does Acknowledgement Mean? Reinforcement o “Any action that follows a behavior and increases the likelihood of future occurrence of behavior.” Verbal, tangible, special privilege, social 6

7 Advantages of an Acknowledgement System Provides a versatile/varied means of communication with each student, as well as a group of students Structures interactions in a consistent manner Provides representation for student of his/her progress Highly visible means of reinforcing behavior, school-wide (for staff, as well as students) 7 8/24/2010

8 Acknowledgement System What is it? A ticket, stamp, hole punch or other VISIBLE object: given to the student (+ reinforcement) and paired with specific verbal feedback and … 8 8/24/2010

9 Acknowledgement System Why do it? Provides instant reinforcement for desired behaviors Focuses attention on desired behaviors Provides a reminder to staff to pay attention to and reinforce desired behaviors 9 8/24/2010

10 Acknowledgement System Who should do it? Anyone and everyone working in the school! Don’t forget…. office staff, custodians, cafeteria staff, substitutes 10 8/24/2010

11 Acknowledgement System Where should it be used? Must be used in common areas: o Hallways o Cafeteria o Entrance and dismissal areas o Playground and outdoor areas o Gymnasium o Office areas (Main Office, Guidance, Nurse etc.) o Auditorium 11 8/24/2010

12 Acknowledgement System When should you use it? Immediately following the display of the desired behavior Use heavily after teaching the skill at the beginning of the year Use throughout the school year varying the target behavior, location, group of students, etc. dependent upon your data Vary the degree of use dependent upon your baseline data 12 8/24/2010

13 Levels of Acknowledgement System Individual Student Group School Staff 13 “The many levels of acknowledgement!”

14 Back Up Reinforcers Examples of Back-Up Reinforcers…REWARDS Remember…always pair a back up reinforcer with verbal feedback 14

15 Think… “What items/symbols could serve as reinforcers in your school building?” Keep these guidelines in mind: 1.Will the reinforcer be easily available? 2.Will the reinforcer be easy to give to students immediately? 3.Will the reinforcer be difficult to duplicate? 4.Will the reinforcer be nontransferable? 5.Will the reinforcer be easy to record? 15 8/24/2010

16 VIDEO EXAMPLE Principal’s 200 Club 16

17 ACTIVITY Plan acknowledgement system 17

18 Starburst Assignments Student-orange Teacher-red Group-green School-wide-pink 18

19 Video (Ideas to maximize efforts on acknowledgements) 19

20 Data Help Us Answer Critical Questions Initial needs o Where should we focus our efforts? Level of implementation o How well are we putting in place? Impact on student outcomes o Are we achieving our valued outcomes? 20 Data Help Us Generate Solutions!

21 What Data Should We Collect? Use What You Have o Office referrals o Detentions o Suspensions o Attendance o Tardies o Serious incidents 21

22 Office Discipline Referrals and The BIG 5! Examine office discipline referral rates and patterns o Major Problem events o Minor Problem events Ask the BIG 5 questions: o How often are problem behavior events occurring? o Where are they happening? o What types of problem behaviors? o When are the problems occurring? o Who is contributing? 22

23 Cafeteria Class Commons Hall 12:00 Lang. Defiance Disrespect Harrass Skip 23

24 Code of Conduct vs. SWPBS Legal and Documented Approach vs. Changing Behavior Approach Which happens more often in your school? 24

25 Classroom Managed vs. Office Managed Problem Behaviors Minors vs. Majors 25

26 Elementary School Example Teacher Managed Behavior Attendance/Tardy – Inform parents on effect on academic performance Profanity directed at student Gum chewing Homework No supplies Tattling Non-compliance Name calling Lying Minor stealing Cheating Dress Code Violations Minor Harassment 26 Office Managed Behavior Attendance/Tardy Vandalism Substances Defiance Weapons Profanity directed at Adults Major disruptions Fighting Verbal/Physical intimidation Major stealing Cutting school Wanderers Gang Related Activity Chronic Dress Code Violation Harassment (including sexual) 8/24/2010

27 Middle School Example Teacher Managed Behavior Excessive talking Attendance tardy inform parents Off task (Disruptive) Gum/Food/Candy Drinks Missing Homework Not prepared for class Name calling Dishonesty PDA Running in Hall Passing notes Backtalk directed at Adults Cheating/Plagiarism Writing on school property 27 Office Managed Behavior Attendance Tardy Insubordination Fighting Vandalism Verbal/Physical Intimidation Weapons, threats Gang Representation Cutting class/school/teacher detention Theft Drug Violations Directed Profanity Harassment (incl. sexual) Controlled Substances Security threat/breach Lewd notes Repeated Backtalk (3) Repeated PDA Dress Code 8/24/2010

28 High School Example Teacher Managed Behavior Excessive talking Attendance tardy inform parents Off task Drinks/Food/Gum (with clear expectation for your class) Missing Homework Not prepared for class Inappropriate Language Lying Dishonesty Dress code violating PDA Hallway Disruption Passing notes Cheating/Plagiarism Office Managed Behavior Attendance Tardy Insubordination Fighting Vandalism Verbal/Physical Intimidation Weapons Gang Representation Cutting class/school/teacher detention Theft Drug Violations Directed Profanity Arson Harassment Controlled Substances Threats Security threat/breach Lewd notes Repeated/Severe Offenses 8/24/2010 28

29 ACTIVITY Using T-charts: Identify teacher managed behaviors Identify office managed behaviors Identify consequences for teacher managed and office managed behaviors 29

30 T- CHART OF BEHAVIOR Teacher Managed Behavior 30 Office Managed Behavior 8/24/2010

31 Group Activity Define disrespect – What does it sound like? – What does it look like? Planning tip: Consider how all behavior definitions will be vetted with the faculty. (Hint: Be ready for much discussion.) 31

32 Minors-Classroom Managed Behaviors a)Simple correction strategies to use with early stage misbehavior to try the easy thing first b)Creating your menu of classroom-based corrective consequences-teacher managed consequences c)Majors (Office managed consequences)- How will you determine these? 32

33 General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors 33 Observe problem behavior Problem solve Determine consequence Follow procedure documented File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Determine consequence Follow through with consequences Problem solve Follow documented procedure Write referral and Escort student to office Follow up with student within a week Is behavior major? Does student have 3? NOYES NO YES Find a place to talk with student(s) Ensure safety

34 34

35 Office Discipline Referrals BIG 5 o Where are they happening? o What types of problem behaviors? o When are the problems occurring? o Who is contributing? o What is the possible motivation? And what is the consequence? 35

36 Minor Inappropriate language Disruption Property misuse Non- compliance Other_____ Parent contact Out-of-school suspension Time in office Other________________ Avoid work Obtain items Don’t know Other_____ Classroom On bus Special event Common area Other_____ Possible MotivationLocationProblem Behavior Consequence Lose privilege individual instruction Conference In-school suspension Attention from peers Attention from adults Avoid peers Avoid adults Hallway Cafeteria Library Restroom Office Parking lot Major Abusive language Fighting/ physical aggression Harassment Overt defiance Other_____ Office Discipline Referral Form Name: _________________________ Grade: _____ Date: _____ Referring Person: ________________________Time: ________ Others involved: None Peers Staff Teacher Substitute Unknown Other 36

37 ACTIVITY Revise current office discipline referral form Continue defining minor and major behaviors 37

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