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My Classroom Philosophy My classroom is a learning environment where the students have the right to an equal educational opportunity. It is up to each.

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Presentation on theme: "My Classroom Philosophy My classroom is a learning environment where the students have the right to an equal educational opportunity. It is up to each."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Classroom Philosophy My classroom is a learning environment where the students have the right to an equal educational opportunity. It is up to each student to be responsible for their learning and self- discipline. Students will constantly make choices in everything they do, whether it is in the classroom or outside the classroom. Their individual actions must not infringe on the right, needs, or property of others. Your child has the right to make choices and will be accountable for the consequences of those choices.

2 Switching Classes Throughout the day you will have many different teachers this year. You are responsible for being on time to each class. Tardies can and will be marked for every period. You must remember to bring all your supplies to your classes. You may not ask the teacher to go back to another class or to call home to get supplies. You may do so at breaks in the office or if a teacher allows from their classroom.

3 Walking around campus Walking around campus (library, computer lab) as a group will be in a organized and QUIET line. If you are walking around campus by yourself during the school day, you must have a pass with you. When excused from a class, you must get a “hall” pass to take with you.

4 Lining Up Outside 2 lines –1 girls & 1 boys No horse playing Enter the room and voices off Must be in seat starting your warm- up at the bell or will be marked tardy

5 Entering a Classroom If for chance you can not enter the class, make sure you are in line ready to go. WHEN ENTERING - turn your voices OFF, go directly to your seat, take out your notebooks/homework for that class and get started with the warm-up.

6 Lunch Counts 1, 2, 3 You have three main entrée lunch choices. Every morning as you come in make you specific hot lunch choice. If you are having a cold lunch, mark that section with your numbered magnet.

7 Daily Warm-Ups You will have daily warm-ups in many of your classes. As you enter the classroom, get your interactive notebook out ASAP and get started on that days daily warm up or DQ (without any discussion/talking). They are independent work.

8 Snack & Snack Recess Lunch & Lunch Recess Keep your lunches with you all day. You will take it to lunch when you go. You must take your backpacks with you to recess and lunch. Use the restrooms (behind the PE office-not by room 30) during break. Listen for the bell and move quickly to your classroom. Return any balls to the rack or appropriate classroom Tardies are marked for students arriving to class late. Snacks bought in the cafeteria at recess are limited to 1 drink and 1 snack. No snacks are being sold this week

9 Backpacks Due to theft and the rotation of classes, students will be keeping their backpacks with them at all times. Keep your lunch with you as well. Please take it out to recess and lunch break also. Musical instruments have to be dropped off in Mr. Mills room prior to school starting. The will be brought back to your last class after elective. You are responsible for having all of your required supplies on a daily basis. To reduce the weight of your backpack, many items can be left at home including a spare pencil box, text books for classes that have classroom sets, and communication papers that are sent home and should be removed from your backpack daily.

10 Bathroom Policy YOU MUST USE THE RESTROOMS AT ALL AVAILABLE BREAKS INCLUDING BEFORE SCHOOL, RECESS, AND LUNCH. It is your responsibility!!! Students will not be able to use the restrooms 30 minutes following any major break time.

11 Policy: All cell phones must be off at all times while on campus (this includes the time you are walking out during dismissal). Cell phones can be confiscated if they can be seen anywhere on your “person.” Even if it is only the outline or the bump in your pocket. Cell phones are violations handled by the office with increasing consequences which can lead up all the way to suspension. Cell Phones

12 Gum Gum and other candy is NOT allowed on school campus at any time. Being caught is an automatic lunch time detention. Multiple offenses add up to stricter consequences.

13 Detention *If you are assigned and it is before lunch time, you must attend on that same day. Bring a pen or pencil. * If you are assigned detention after lunch, you must attend the next day. If you miss you assigned detention, the consequences increase. Detention is a consequence that many different staff members can assign to Jr. High students. Detention occurs during lunch recess in the room next to the food line. It is about 25-30 minutes depending on dismissal from the cafeteria.

14 Finishing Early Most often, if you finish something in class early (such as a test) you should find something quiet to do. Please have with you at all times a silent reading book. Do not stand in front of the teacher library shelves looking for a book. Please plan ahead. You are welcome to check out teachers classroom library books before school, at recess, or after school. On some occasions you may do HW from another class.

15 No Name Work No name work, tests, projects etc…will be in a folder at the front of the room and will be thrown away weekly.

16 Each completed assignment turned in on time will receive points. These points will be added and computed to determine the student’s percentage, which will correspond to a letter grade. The scale is as follows: 90% -100%= A 80% -89% = B 70% -79% = C 60% -69% = D 0%-59% = F Grades Your grades will posted on Aeries throughout the trimester. You are responsible to make sure that the scores I have entered in the grade book are accurate. I encourage you to keep all of your graded assignments so that you have evidence if I enter a grade incorrectly in the grade book.

17 Food/Drinks in classroom NO ! And NO ! You can not eat any food or drinks (EXCEPT WATER) in the classroom. You may bring and drink from water bottles. You may NOT get up to drink from the drinking fountain at any time. But at the appropriate time, you may fill your water bottle at the sink (without asking).

18 I encourage 7 th graders to actively participate on Spirit Days. Each Friday, students wear school colors (blue, grey, or white. On other occasions there are special themes (hat day, crazy hair day, etc...). I am a very competitive person and I like to will the classroom awards. I will regularly remind you on Thursday afternoons to dress with Spirit on Friday. Hawkins Spirit Days

19 Agendas Throughout the day, you will add HW for each class you are in as you move from class to class. Keep your agenda with you at all times. A few minutes at the end of the day will be used only for CHECKING TO MAKE SURE YOU WROTE DOWN EVERYTHING & for any special reminders at the end of the day.

20 Dismissal: If picking up a 4-5th grade sibling, walking toward Payton Lane, or taking the bus, exit through the main foyer near the office THEN along the sidewalk of the Parking lots. All students walking home toward Glenbriar circle will be escorted through the upper playground and out the parking lot gate onto Darlene behind the gym.

21 Dress Code Follow all Dress Codes. Dress code violations are dealt with in the office and with numerous offenses can eventually lead to suspensions.

22 Class Dismissal The teacher will dismiss you from your desk after checking your area to see if it is cleaned up. Do not line up at the door.

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