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You’re not alone: Encouraging collaborative efforts among teachers and using existing world language infrastructure to create resources for Less Commonly.

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Presentation on theme: "You’re not alone: Encouraging collaborative efforts among teachers and using existing world language infrastructure to create resources for Less Commonly."— Presentation transcript:

1 You’re not alone: Encouraging collaborative efforts among teachers and using existing world language infrastructure to create resources for Less Commonly Taught languages.

2 LCTLs and Spanish working together

3 As Foreign Language teachers we are all in this together and are here to help one another.

4 Renaissance Academy K – 9 Language Program Students take daily language classes Every student studies a language: Arabic, Chinese or Spanish Formula for success: All language teachers meet together weekly to share ideas and materials

5 COLLABORATION IN YOUR SCHOOL: Establish a relationship with other language teachers at your school. (ESL) Get together, share ideas. Find a mentor in your school. Ask other language teachers for feedback.

6 Share/Borrow Materials Share Ideas Offer something in return Combine classes Share cultures Perform skits Teach songs World Language Club

7 COLLABORATION IN YOUR COMMUNITY: Get to know language teachers from other schools. Find a mentor in the community. Create a wiki.

8 Teaching Essentials & Best Practices: Adapt these teaching techniques to your language. The National Capital Language Resource Center

9 Teaching Activities: Adapt many teaching activities from commonly taught languages to your language. Especially Listening and Speaking activities ideas:

10 Resources: Teaching Materials Send for Textbooks Professional Copies/Review copies ESL or commonly taught languages Use Language Teaching Websites

11 Resources: Teaching Materials Use students Use parents Give extra credit points Sub-plan


13 Figurines/Puppets/Toys Activity Sheets Picture Files Picture Pairs Wipe off boards Games Picasso Concentration Fly swatter Fruit Basket Information Gap Activities Conversation Activities Speed friendshipping Hands on Cards TPR with cards Figurines Felipe y Marta Types of activities you will find on the Arabic Sharing Wiki

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