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The Supreme Court. Work of the Federal Courts Remember: 97% of cases are handled by state courts Federal Court Jurisdiction – Federal Question Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Supreme Court. Work of the Federal Courts Remember: 97% of cases are handled by state courts Federal Court Jurisdiction – Federal Question Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Supreme Court


3 Work of the Federal Courts Remember: 97% of cases are handled by state courts Federal Court Jurisdiction – Federal Question Federal statute or regulation U.S. Constitution – Diversity Jurisdiction

4 Supreme Court Article III Appointment Life Tenure Composition – Associate Justices – Chief Justice – Law Clerks

5 Current Court

6 John Roberts (CJ)G.W. Bush200552 John Paul StevensFord197586 Antonin ScaliaReagan198671 Anthony KennedyReagan198870 David SouterG.H.W. Bush199067 Clarence ThomasG.H.W. Bush199158 Ruth Bader GinsburgClinton199374 Steven BreyerClinton199468 Samuel AlitoG.W. Bush200656

7 Supreme Court’s Work First Monday in October – June/July Original Jurisdiction v. Appellate Jurisdiction Cert Petitions “Rule of Four”

8 Certiorari Petitions TermAll FilingsIFP Filings Cases Argued 20047496575587 20058521684687

9 Deciding on the Merits Information – Litigant Briefs – “Record” – Amicus Briefs – Oral Argument 30 minutes per side Conference Votes

10 Opinions Opinion of the Court – Majority – Plurality Dissenting Opinions Concurring Opinions

11 Opinions Describe History of Case Describe “Precedent” – Stare decisis – Reason by analogy Holding – Becomes precedent – Weight depends on majority v. plurality

12 What Matters Not Just Who Wins / Who Loses REASONING

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