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1 My office hours My office is 319 This week: Friday 12:15 - 2:15 Contact me: Austin Casey mobile:13439220499

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Presentation on theme: "1 My office hours My office is 319 This week: Friday 12:15 - 2:15 Contact me: Austin Casey mobile:13439220499"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 My office hours My office is 319 This week: Friday 12:15 - 2:15 Contact me: Austin Casey mobile:13439220499

2 2 English 1010 Today: Homework check: read p.320-321 Chapter 16 Argumentation p.320 Teenagers and Jobs and questions on p.323-324 (p. 323-324 # 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9) Homework: Essay 3, Journal 5

3 3 Announcements If your essay or journal is turned in late, you will get -10% You cannot print essay during the break time. I know you cannot print at 8:00AM, so you must print the night before. If it is not ready at the beginning of class, you will get -10%

4 4 Announcements If you are going to miss a class: You must have your friend bring your essay to class. You must e-mail me before the class, so I know Each student can only have 2 excused absences (E) after that, I will mark (X) You must still do a 100 word writing assignment and e-mail it to me

5 5 Essay 3 Remember You need a reference page. Check p.406

6 6 Essay 3: Proposing a Solution Essay 3 is also called: Argumentative Essay (it is an argument) Persuasive Essay (you will try to persuade or convince the reader of your opinion) It is 650 – 750 words ! 100 words longer, but you can use more quotes and paraphrasing from other authors

7 7 Essay 3: Proposing a Solution I want this essay to be your opinion, but I also want you to support your opinion with other author's opinions I want you to use at least 3 references. I want you to use at least 1 quote I want you to use at least 1 paraphrase

8 8 Essay 3: First 100 words I will ask you about your Essay 3. And Teenagers and Jobs questions on p.323-324 # 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 While you are waiting, please do p. 71-73

9 Remember: You need an Argument What is an argument? An argument has a clear idea and uses facts to support it. What is an opinion? An opinion is your thinking and it does not use facts to support it.

10 Opinion Argument I like cats. Rice is better than noodles. TVs are bad. Blue is the best color. Cats are a useful pet because they can catch mice. Rice is better than noodles because it is healthier. TV programs are bad for children because they show a lot of violence. Blue is the best color because it can make you feel calm. Remember, you need reasons:

11 Remember that social issues work better: 1. Skateboarding should be illegal. 2. Cell phones are safe. 3. Exercise is a better treatment for headaches than medicine. 4. Money is the best motivation because... 5. Plagiarism is wrong because... 6. Healthy people should use a bicycle instead of a car. 7. If you pass a university entrance test, you should be able to skip high school. Example topics for Essay 3:

12 Remember that social issues work better: 1. Skateboarding should not be illegal because... 2. Cell phones are dangerous because... 3. Exercise does not work as well as medicine to treat headaches. 4. Money is a terrible motivator because... 5. Plagiarism is fine because... 6. Healthy people should never use a bicycle because... 7. Even if you pass a university entrance test, you should not be able to skip high school. Opposite Examples:

13 If you are still not sure how to make a thesis, don't be afraid to use the word 'because' as it will make your thesis clear. 1. Skateboarding should be illegal because it is dangerous. 2. Cell phones are safe to use because they do not cause cancer. 3. Exercise is a better treatment for headaches than medicine because you can become addicted to medicine. 4. Money is the best motivation because everyone needs it and it is the most useful reward. 5. Plagiarism is wrong because it is a form of cheating and it is not your original work. 6. Healthy people should use a bicycle instead of a car because it is better for the environment. 7. If you pass a university entrance test, you should be able to skip high school because you have proven your ability. Examples with facts

14 14 Social Issue Rule You must choose a topic that at least 10% of people disagree about. Ex: I think eating well is healthy for your life. NO Ex: One time I saw my dog eating a pie. NO Ex: I think killing is wrong because... NO

15 15 Don't be afraid if 50% or more disagree. It may be more interesting 50% or more disagree: Ex: Unfortunately, war is important to develop better technology. YES Ex: Unlike my classmates, I think we should study more and sleep less to become more competitive YES Ex: I may be different, but I think smoking is an important way to relax yourself because... YES

16 16 Social Issue Rule Your topic must be a broad issue that can relate to others. Ex: I had a difficult exam last week. NO Ex: I always struggle with English essays. NO Ex: Many people will struggle with exams if they were not properly educated because... YES Ex: Writing tests should not be taught in our university because... YES

17 17 No small problems Don't talk about broken pencils, bicycles, or how to install windows 7.

18 18 Try to make it an important issue Ex: Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them. NO Ex: Reading magazines is better than reading novels because you can get more information from the pictures. NO Ex: Children should be limited in the time they spend watching TV everyday for their mental and physical development. YES

19 19 Try to make it an important issue Bottled water is better than tap water Pet fish are better than pet dogs Taking too much medicine is bad for you Eating too much junk food is bad for you ALL NO

20 20 The government needs to control the food industry more Traditional building techniques are better than modern ones Gold tooth fillings are better than silver Gender specific schools are better (all-boys or all-girls school) School scholarships should be increased International companies need to be controlled more International marriage should be easier Lotteries are effective to raise money Curfews help teenagers stay away from trouble and get better grades Companies should not market to children Children should be 17 before dating ALL YES

21 21 Helpful Links: argumentative-essay tm

22 22 Challenge an Serious Topic There are many serious topics on p.380 Remember there are always two viewpoints: “There are two sides to every coin” Your opinion doesn’t matter, but you need to support it with facts. Choose your real opinion, not what you think is right because you will be more passionate.

23 23 Remember: Growing Up, Love, Friends, Family, Education Jobs: (read Teenagers and Jobs) Health, Security & Police, Animals, Crime, Censorship Resources (food, water, oil, etc) Child raising, technology And many more!

24 24 In Class Writing Assignment Work on p.323 #3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 p.71-72

25 25 Essay 3: Example Title: Computers are Evil Thesis: I don't think we should use computers because they are bad for the environment, old people don't know how to use them, and they will make your eyes bad. T1 The first thing about computers that disturbs me is that they are terrible for the environment. T2 Secondly, elderly people cannot use computers, so I think they need to be more 'user friendly'. T3 Last but not least, using computers a lot will make your eyes bad and that is why I don't support computers. Conclusion

26 26 Essay 3: Example Title: I Robot Thesis: In the future we need to use robots more and more to support our daily lives T1 Robots are the wave of the future and we will need them to do all of our dirty work T2 Robots will do the work that is too dirty, dangerous, or boring for us T3 Finally, robots will do things that we cannot do, such as fast calculations and will help make our world a better place

27 thesis: Smoking should be banned in public areas (Why is smoking bad?) Why 1. 2. 3. 4. Activity: Fact (examples) 1. 2. 3. 4.

28 thesis: Smoking should be banned in public areas (Smoking is bad because...) Why 1. smoking disturbs people 2. smoking smells bad 3. smoking is dirty 4. smoking is dangerous 5. smoking is addictive 6. smoking is expensive Activity: Facts (examples) 1. smoking can cause coughing 2. smoke smell enters clothes 3. ashes and butts are waste 4. smokers can die smoking can cause fires 5. it is difficult to stop smoking 6. the price of cigarettes has increased

29 thesis: Smoking should be banned in public areas Example: First 100 words Smoking should be banned in public areas for many reasons. First, smoking disturbs people and it smells bad. Most people don't like the smell of cigarettes and they may cough. Also, smoking is dirty. You can find cigarette ash and butts on the ground or trash. Most importantly, smoking is dangerous. You can actually die from lung cancer and there are many forest fires every year from careless smokers. Furthermore, smoking is addictive. Many people complain that it is very difficult to stop smoking. Finally, smoking is expensive. Every year the price of cigarettes is increasing. In conclusion, smoking should be banned in public areas to protect people.

30 Try to use effective linking words 1. First, First of all, Firstly 2. and, also, furthermore, secondly 3. More importantly, Most importantly What's more, Thirdly, The third thing is 4. Finally, Lastly, The last thing, 5. In conclusion, To sum up Remember the linking words:

31 Write down an argument Choose your own topic. Write down some reasons. Example: Pets are messy and should be controlled because... 1. 2. 3. Digital cameras are better than traditional cameras because... 1. 2. 3. Activity:

32 Make your argument Choosing an argumentative topic is not easy. The topic must... be narrowed down X Skateboarding should be illegal. No. this is too general. ✔ Skateboarding should be allowed only in special areas. Yes, this is better have an argument X We should decide whether we want a new park or not. No. Our position is not clear. We need to choose a position and support it. ✔ We need a new park near our school to make a better environment. Yes. this is a good argument. X Do you think cheating is bad? No. Questions are not arguments. ✔ Cheating is just a waste of time because the student is not learning anything. Yes. This is a good argument. be supported by facts or reasons Choose your topic:

33 Write down an argument Try to choose your own topic. Write down 3 reasons. Pets are messy and should be controlled because... 1. they shed (lose) hair everywhere 2. they could bite 3. they smell bad if they are not taken care of Digital cameras are better than traditional cameras because... 1. you don't have to wait for results 2. you can store more pictures 3. you don't need to print them, you can view on your computer Activity 3:

34 34 Journals Journal 3: Choose one of the questions about friendship Journal 4: Choose one: Education or Computer Games (250-500 words) Journal 5: Choose one question about technology (250-500 words) Journal 6:

35 35 Journal 5: Technology questions (250- 500 words) 1. Do you think people these days rely on machines too much? Will they forget basic skills like writing and cooking because they use machines too much? 2. How do you think people in the future will use robots? 3. Is it good for the government to spend money on space exploration? Or do you think it is a waste of money? 4. Why do a lot of people long for a car? 5. Do you think the government should limit the use of private cars?

36 36 Course Schedule: Lesson ALesson B Week 5Peer Reviews, Chapter 8Essay 1 Final Draft Due Week 6Essay 2 First 100 words dueChapter 14: Definition Week 7Essay 2 Rough Draft Due (550+ words)Peer Reviews Week 8No ClassEssay 2 Final Draft Due Week 9Argumentative EssayEssay 3 first 100 words + Journal 5 Week 10Strategies to strengthen an argument

37 37 Reminder Assignments: You will write 4 essays and make a portfolio. 1. Remembering an Event (550-650 words) 2. Writing a Profile (550-650 words) 3. Proposing a Solution (650-750 words) You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it Also called persuasive or argumentative style. 4. Justifying an Evaluation (550-650 words) You will give evidence to support a decision. 5.Portfolio You will choose 5 journal entries to put in your portfolio. 6. Journals These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics.

38 38 Homework: Essay 3 (first 100 words) Journal 5

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