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Simple Machines These make work easier for us by allowing us to push or pull an object with less input force.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Machines These make work easier for us by allowing us to push or pull an object with less input force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Machines These make work easier for us by allowing us to push or pull an object with less input force


3 Pulley

4 Pulley - a simple machine with at least one cord/rope and a grooved wheel. It makes work easier for us by requiring less input force for us to lift a heavy object

5 Wheel and Axle A wheel with a rod, called an axle, through its center. It lifts or moves loads.

6 Wheel and axle

7 Meter Stick a measuring stick one meter long that is marked off in centimeters and usually millimeters

8 Spring Scale device used to measure force or weight (not mass)

9 Inclined Plane A ramp or slope that makes it easier to move heavy objects, especially over longer distances. Examples: wheelchair ramps (or even a slide!)

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