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Present Continuous Tense теперішній тривалий час.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Continuous Tense теперішній тривалий час."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Continuous Tense теперішній тривалий час

2 The cat is sleeping. The kitten is playing. The dog and the kitten are running. now

3 Remember(Запам'ятай) I am He is She is It is V ing We are You are They are play – playing sleep – sleeping write - writing get - getting

4 Negative (Заперечна форма) The boy is not playing. am not is not = isn’t are not = aren’t Question (Питальна форма) Is the boy going to school? Am I Is he, she, it going? Are we, you, they

5 Say what he is doing. Ask questions. write - is writing read - is reading

6 open – is opening speak – is speaking

7 play – is playing skateboard – is skateboarding

8 sleep – is sleeping jump – is jumping dance – is dancing

9 Choose the right verb for each gap Look! The girl _____________ her homework. My parents _________________ TV now. At the moment I ______________ computer games. The children _______________ to school. I _______________ an interesting book now. The man and the woman _______________. are dancing is doingam readingare watching am playingare going

10 Agree or disagree The boy is swimming. The man is dancing.

11 They are running. They are cooking.

12 The boy is fishing. They are eating.

13 He is doing his homework. The cat is drinking.

14 Tests Додайте закінчення - ing to read - reading to stand -standing to jump -jumping to give - giving to swim - swimming to sit -sitting to buy -buying to dance -dancing to play -playing

15 Заповни пропуски. Використовуй am / is / are swimming, reading, playing, doing, eating Listen! Dan and John … the piano. Look! Your dog … in the river. Where are you? – In the room. I … an interesting book. The children … a cake. She … her homework now.

16 Check your answers (Перевірь відповіді): Listen! Dan and John are playing the piano. Look! Your dog is swimming in the river. Where are you? – In the room. I am reading an interesting book. The children are eating a cake. She is doing her homework now.

17 Make sentences.(Утвори речення). books / the children / are / reading ? playing / my friend / is / tennis. they / are / river / in the / swimming. doing / your homework / are / you ? Check your answers (Перевірь): Are the children reading books? My friend is playing tennis. They are swimming in the river. Are you doing your homework?

18 The end

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