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EDEX 726/796 November 2, 2013 Kim Person.  I have some things to say.  I am:  not dumb  not “retarded”  Words can hurt.

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Presentation on theme: "EDEX 726/796 November 2, 2013 Kim Person.  I have some things to say.  I am:  not dumb  not “retarded”  Words can hurt."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDEX 726/796 November 2, 2013 Kim Person

2  I have some things to say.  I am:  not dumb  not “retarded”  Words can hurt.

3  I have a learning disability.  Brain works differently  Trouble with reading  Can’t always remember:  Letters, sounds, words  What I just read

4  I have trouble:  Listening and paying attention  Keeping all of my stuff together  Remembering what to work on next  Believing I can learn to read

5  Mrs. Jones helps me learn by:  Letting a friend help  More time for some tests  Reading some tests and information  Testing in a quiet place  Testing in a small group

6  Sitting near her/away from noises  Shorter directions  Teaching a little at a time  Flash cards for important stuff  Study guides, lists, organizing note books

7  Helping others with math  Listening to books and reading along  Bought a Mountain Dew?  Couldn’t open it?

8  What would you do?  Figure out how to open it?  Can’t open, can’t drink!  Accommodations “open” my understanding

9  Can learn (drink) what you learn (drink)

10  Learned about SLD last year:  Extra help from RTI didn’t help  Teachers, and others had meeting  Took tests with psychologist  Took tests from teacher

11  Special meeting with parents, teachers and others  Needed special teaching from Mrs. Person  Needed help in the room  A program to help me learn  IEP

12  So…please remember:  We have things we do well  Math, sports  We have things we don’t do well  Reading  I am like you

13  I like :  Music, video games, movies  Phone, hanging out with friends  Sports, PE, skateboarding, bike riding  Eating junk food

14  I am:  Not dumb  Not ‘retarded”  Words can hurt!

15  Sincerely,  4 th Grade Student with Specific Learning Disabilities

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