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BLAST-OFFBLAST-OFF BY: Victor Zuniga Mr. Leingang’s third Per. Science class.

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Presentation on theme: "BLAST-OFFBLAST-OFF BY: Victor Zuniga Mr. Leingang’s third Per. Science class."— Presentation transcript:

1 BLAST-OFFBLAST-OFF BY: Victor Zuniga Mr. Leingang’s third Per. Science class

2 Question How does the soda coca-cola and sprite react when I put a pack of mentos in the sodas

3 PROCEDURE 1. set up see diagram 2. put less then 10 mentos in soda (sprite) 3. place meter stick next to soda 4. record how high the soda goes 5. record everything that happened 6. repeat steps 1-5

4 HypothesisHypothesis AS I put the mentos in the soda then the coca cola soda will go higher because coca cola has many more carbonation and the sprite has about less then 30% more sugar

5 VariablesVariables MV: Type of soda RV: height soda travels CV: mentos, ruler, 2 liter bottle of soda

6 AbstractAbstract I did the experiment to see how coca cola would react with mentos and how sprite would react with mentos. One possible sources of error is that the soda is old. Another source of error is the mentos being old. What happened in the experiment was that when I put the mentos in the soda coca cola It went 3 feet high which was the highest.

7 Materials 2 litter sodas (coca cola)and (sprite) Mentos Ruler Measuring tape camera

8 Background Info

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