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EPHA Presentation Lobbying the EU institutions: Why and how? Benefits of EU networking Riga, Thursday 20 th April 2006 Lara Garrido-Herrero EPHA – European.

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Presentation on theme: "EPHA Presentation Lobbying the EU institutions: Why and how? Benefits of EU networking Riga, Thursday 20 th April 2006 Lara Garrido-Herrero EPHA – European."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPHA Presentation Lobbying the EU institutions: Why and how? Benefits of EU networking Riga, Thursday 20 th April 2006 Lara Garrido-Herrero EPHA – European Public Health Alliance

2 EPHA Presentation European Public Health Alliance A network of more that 100 non governmental and not-for-profit organisations across Europe working on public health issues Our mission is to improve the health of all people living in Europe and to increase their participation in EU policy-making

3 EPHA Presentation The EPHA team

4 EPHA Presentation The role of the NGO sector  Monitor, analyse and inform  Raise awareness  Engage and consult  Challenge  Empower  Represent  Follow-up

5 EPHA Presentation The role of NGOs in Brussels Many EU policies have an impact – direct or indirect – on the health of EU citizens 15,000 to 20,000 lobbyists in Brussels and ONLY 10% are NGOs representing citizens’ interests What is the difference between NGOs and lobbyists? Networking and alliances are the ONLY way to make our voice heard - You are unlikely to succeed alone. Use other NGOs resources rather than “re-invent the wheel” on your own.

6 EPHA Presentation EU networking: a SWOT analysis

7 EPHA Presentation EU networking: a SWOT analysis Strengths: Recognition, credibility Influence Independence Cost reduction Expertise

8 EPHA Presentation EU networking: a SWOT analysis Weaknesses: Diversity of interests which might sometimes compete Lowest common denominator Communication problems Poor quality of outcomes Possibility of one organisation dominating the others

9 EPHA Presentation EU networking: a SWOT analysis Opportunities: Mutual learning Creation of consensus Learn how to negotiate

10 EPHA Presentation EU networking: a SWOT analysis Threats: Passive participation of some members Poor communication Bureaucracy Lack of transparency

11 EPHA Presentation Take home messages: There are many different types of networks Networks are popular as they provide more benefits than difficulties Networking is about time and commitment Networking is an additional layer, it does not substitute your work Networking is a conscious, rational decision your organisation has to take

12 EPHA Presentation European Public Health Alliance 39-41 Rue d´Arlon B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel : +32-2 233 38 88 Fax : +32-2 233 38 80

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