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Library Information Systems n Origins of LIS n Why Automate? n On Functions and Functionality n Management Considerations n Trends and Issues within LIS.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Information Systems n Origins of LIS n Why Automate? n On Functions and Functionality n Management Considerations n Trends and Issues within LIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Information Systems n Origins of LIS n Why Automate? n On Functions and Functionality n Management Considerations n Trends and Issues within LIS

2 Origins of LIS n 1936 Ralph H. Parker – Punched Card Methods for Circulation n 1960s – Use of computers to automate technical services functions (proprietary solutions); n Focus is on SYSTEMS n 1965 – LC explores standards related to bibliographic records n 1967 -- Frederick Kilgour founds OCLC n 1969 – LC MARC record established (Z39.2 “Bibliographic Information Interchange”) n 1967-70 – Bibliographic Utilities formed (OCLC, RLIN, WLN, UTLAS). n 1971 – The first “Turnkey” library system from CLSI (LIBS 100 : circulation control); n Focus is on FUNCTIONALITY and PROPRIETARY SYSTEMS n 1974 Library Automation marketplace reaches $50 million; Online DBs become available n 1976 DataResearch formed in St. Louis (Mike Mellinger and Jim Michael); n UM Libraries gets OCLC services n 1981 First OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) from CLSI n 1983 UM Libraries bring up LUMIN – the online card catalog n 1981 – 1990 – Focus on OPACs as the “yacht” with CIRC Control and other technical services being the “dinghies”

3 Origins (continued): 1986 CD-ROM hits the “cataloging marketplace”; Beginnings of Local Area Networks of interconnected PCs 1988 Z39.50 the “Interoperability Standard” is approved; The beginnings of OPEN SYSTEMS designs 1990s LIS marketplace “peaks” around $500 million annually; Rapid introduction of PCs as points of access to library services; Some market segmentation into “type of library” (school, public, academic, special/corporate); The Internet starts to make its way into the home/office. Early development of Digital Libraries begins. Focus is on USERS mid 1990s: The Internet and Web access enters the picture. Mergers, failures, & acquisitions of LIS companies by one another. Many management teams change. 2000 – current: Continued integration of new sources and services

4 Past Decade in LIS n Changes in architectures (SaaS) n Open Source developments n Consortial arrangements n Migration patterns n Integration of sources (OPACs and DBs) n Social and collaborative computing n Mobile apps n Discovery solutions

5 Possible Reasons why Libraries attempt to Apply Technology: n Modernization n Patron Services n Transformation

6 Modernization  To cope with increasing demands for services  To reduce staff or prevent staff increases  To allow more activities to be performed by clerical and paraprofessional staff

7 Patron Services  To provide new forms of old services (electronic access)  To improve access to existing services (remote login, etc.)

8 Transformation n To provide new (increasingly digital) information services  Document Delivery (full text)  Digital Library developments  Web-based sources in general

9 Why Automate? Extracted from Christine Borgman “From Acting Locally to Thinking Globally: A Brief History of Library Automation” Library Quarterly July 1997 pages 215-249.

10 Stage I : Efficiency of internal operations  Internal workflow  Sharing cataloging data

11 Stage II : Access to Local Resources  IOLS marketplace  OPACs  Retrospective conversion of bib records

12 Stage III : Access to Outside Resources  Document delivery services  Online data exchange (Z39.50)  Integrated online resources (mounting DBs onto OPAC)  Web resources

13 Stage IV:Interoperability of systems/services  Thinking globally  Digital Libraries  Federated searching  Discovery solutions

14 On Functions and Functionality n First came technical services (backroom processes)  Acquisitions  Cataloging n Then Circulation control n Finally Online Public Access Catalogs n Compounded by online DBs, then Document Delivery Systems n Then we enter the world of the “Web”… n And don’t forget Digital Libraries !!! n Most of these applications were designed separately, or at best independent of one another, and then grafted together to look presentable….

15 Proprietary versus Open Systems Designs n First we began with proprietary solutions n Then we moved to Open Systems – a design philosophy, not a specific software product n Now we implement Open Systems using Client-Server architectures, often based on TCP/IP (the “Internet Protocol”)

16 On Selection and Management: General Observations n There are many additional revelations regarding the practical side of managing a large scale automation project and selecting appropriate technology for the library. An abbreviated list follows: n. Recognize that advances are occurring outside of your organization – visit other institutions! n. Develop an organizational culture that is open to change and welcomes outside advances. n. Recognize that some libraries shouldn’t automate and that some will anyway due to “organizational politics” n. Set up and support a “technology tracker” within your organization – a full time professional to monitor and keep abreast of important developments, and a “first point of contact” to vendors n. Develop a long term attitude – not a “stop gap” attitude. n. Seek external advice to support your selection process and your decision making. Consider hiring professional. "If you don’t do it well, or you don’t do it often, hire someone else to do it!”

17 Costs Associated with Library Information Systems n Costs to prepare and decide n Final contractual price, including: n Hardware, software, telecommunications n Maintenance charges (annual)  Training  Conversion of DB costs n Cost to prepare site for implementation n Cost to evaluate system once in place n Ongoing or long term costs:  Continued maintenance contract  Possible expansion of system  Upgrade costs (hardware)  Licensing fees (software)  Continual training programs  Staffing costs  Cost to replace

18 Keys to Successful IT Projects in Libraries and Related Information Agencies n Success is dependent on the interaction of several key factors:  Focus on the process and the people, not the technology  Build management support  Conduct a needs analysis, including resulting documentation  Involve all participants in the decision process (staff and patrons)  Seek to convert as much of your collection as necessary  Continually train and develop your staff and patrons in the proper use of the system

19 Trends and Issues within LIS n Impact of the Web on end users n Amalgamated sources and services or the “Frankenstein approach”? n Multiple marketplaces (ILS, DB, DL) n Standards for representation (MARC, DC) n Standards for development (XML?) n Document delivery services (esp. digital) n Discovery solutions (Summon etal)

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