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Business Transformation Overview Brian Morgan LTEC 3440.020.

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1 Business Transformation Overview Brian Morgan LTEC 3440.020

2 2 Welcome Aboard Flight 1120...

3 “Every year, 320,000,000 hours are lost to flight delays. That doesn’t count travel time.” Market Research Cisco Systems, Inc.

4 4 Points of Pain  Lost Luggage  Flight Delays and Cancelations  Travel Time  Travel Cost  Business Costs ALL are Productivity Drains

5 Why Transform? Cost and Productivity

6 6 Why Transform Business?  In 2005, Cisco acquired Scientific Atlanta –60+ people involved in the transaction –Travel and Logistics to keep all informed and in sync –Total time to complete transaction: 180 days +/-  In 2007, Cisco acquired WebEx –100+ people involved in the transaction –Little or no travel due to use of Collaboration and TelePresence –Logistics easily maintained and workforce kept in sync –Total time to complete transaction: less than 45 days Business Transformation made the difference by reducing the required time and costs

7 7 Benefits of Business Transformation  Business Transformation is about finding balance between business value and innovation –Increased innovation will drive business value  Cost Savings remains a critical business driver –Soft Benefit: Employee efficiency and productivity are critical to the bottom line  Business Transformation carries the largest single benefit with wide-ranging impact on revenue, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and other business metrics –Lower overall TCO and increased ROI

8 8 Standardize the User Experience  The network is the platform that allows delivery of common services and applications to all users  One experience regardless of access method or device

9 9 Business Transformation Framework Core Common Services Applications Commercial Applications Internally Developed Software as a Service (SaaS) Composite Apps/SOA MobilityApplication Delivery SecurityManagementReal Time Communications Physical Infrastructure Virtualization Transport

10 10 Business Impact Better customer interaction = Better business

11 11 Impact on the Business  Business Transformation reaches beyond IT into every department and job function –Allows real-time access and reporting of business metrics –Reaches Business Decision Makers (Directors, VPs, Officers) –Reaches Technical Decision Makers (IT Managers, Voice/Telecom Managers)  IT is no longer a cost center! –IT drives business-focused goals and increased productivity at all levels

12 12 Customer Impact  Reduced complexity for interfacing with customers in the manner of their choosing –Instant Messaging, E-Mail, Web, Video and Voice interfaces –Allows customer to control method of contact to better control their own experience –Facilitates increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

13 13 Calculating Total Cost of Ownership  Meet with CFO to determine baseline costs of doing business  Use TCO business case to show business impact associated with a phased implementation  Unified Communications sets the stage for Business Transformation –Network is the platform and must be UC ready

14 14 Business Case Variables  Discuss measureable, realistic estimates of productivity gains and potential cost savings associated with those gains –Potential gains are unlimited and pervasive across all departments and job functions –Employee efficiency gains realized through tools such as Presence and Single Number Reach –Reclamation of lost productivity hours (virtual office reduces or eliminates flight delays/cancelations, commute time, etc.) –Overall reduction of travel costs including air and commuter travel –Increased business metric visibility –Reduced real estate and utility costs (virtual teleworkers, reduced data center footprint, “Green” initiatives)

15 15 Summary

16 16 The World is Changing  Business is evolving based on technological capabilities and demands of customers  Collaborative technologies are bringing about a new world market  Globalization is forcing business to move at a faster, more competitive pace

17 17 Leading Edge  Business Transformation puts your company in a position of evolutionary leadership  Your competitors are discussing Business Transformation. Don’t talk about it. Show them how it’s done

18 18 We are more powerful together than we could ever be apart. That is the Human Network Effect.

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