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S.W.O.T Contract Closeout Kimberly Saeger Raytheon Missile Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "S.W.O.T Contract Closeout Kimberly Saeger Raytheon Missile Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.W.O.T Contract Closeout Kimberly Saeger Raytheon Missile Systems

2 Session Overview Understanding basic S.W.O.T analysis and tools Applying S.W.O.T techniques to your own Contract Closeout processes

3 Strength Characteristics of the your organization that give an advantage over others in the industry Weakness Characteristics of your organization that you can improve, avoid or others see as weaknesses Opportunities External elements that your organization can exploit to its advantage Threats Elements in your organization that could cause trouble or hinder your process So what is S.W.O.T?

4 What advantages does your organization have? What do you do better than anyone else? What resources can you draw upon that others can’t? What do people in your organization see as your strength? Strength Applying S.W.O.T to the Contract Closeout Process

5 What could you or your organization improve? What should you avoid? What are people likely to see as a weakness? What factors impede your existing process? Weakness

6 Applying S.W.O.T to the Contract Closeout Process What good opportunities can you spot? What interesting trends are you aware of? Useful opportunities can be: Special Interest Groups (SIG) Technology Property Awareness Process Improvements Opportunities

7 Applying S.W.O.T to the Contract Closeout Process What obstacles do you face? Do you have bad process or process flow? What changes are happening to the industry? What are your competitors doing? Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business? Threats

8 S.W.O.T Contract xx NOW…lets S.W.O.T your process

9 Take Aways… Optimize your Strengths Recognize your Weaknesses Utilize your Opportunities Mitigate risk by managing your Threats

10 Questions? Please Contact: Kimberly Saeger, CPPS Sr. Property Administrator, Raytheon Missile Systems (520) 663-7746

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