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Visualizing DIET and JuxMem Mathieu Jan PARIS Research Group IRISA INRIA & ENS Cachan / Brittany Extension Rennes Lyon, July 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualizing DIET and JuxMem Mathieu Jan PARIS Research Group IRISA INRIA & ENS Cachan / Brittany Extension Rennes Lyon, July 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualizing DIET and JuxMem Mathieu Jan PARIS Research Group IRISA INRIA & ENS Cachan / Brittany Extension Rennes Lyon, July 2004

2 2 Logging for Java: log4j  Rich and generic tool for logging events  Hierarchical loggers  Different levels: debug, info, warn, fatal, etc  How to use Log4j:  If (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(“Ca va planter !!!!! :-)”);  Several appenders:  Text, XML, HTML files  Socket  Mail  Other bindings: C/C++, PHP, C#, etc

3 3 Log4j in JuxMem JuxMem uses Log4j JXTA uses Log4j Configured to generate a log.jxta and log.juxmem file on each peer JDF collects log files Configuration file: log4j.rootCategory=FATAL, jxta log4j.category.juxmem=DEBUG, juxmem log4j.appender.jxta=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender log4j.appender.jxta.File=log.jxta log4j.appender.jxta.append=false log4j.appender.jxta.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.jxta.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p \n %m%n

4 4 JuxMemView Ongoing work from Chester Tse (MIT) Based on OpenJGraph and log4j Goal: Dynamically visualize JuxMem peers Get informations about each peer Rlogin on the peer to modify its behavior JDF and JXTA shells Current status Get Logging events from a file thanks to Log4j Display the topology of JuxMem After an execution

5 5 Dynamic visualization using Log4j Minor modifications Appender: File -> Socket log4j.appender.jxta.remoteHost= log4j.appender.jxta.port=9700 The same API is used LoggingEvent Sample files given to Chester Tse are made from a real execution

6 6 Visualizing DIET and JuxMem 2 different formats are used Log4j DIET Common format? DIET should be able to read log4j files? Simple way: 2 different graphs A SeD is a JuxMem client Mapping can be done?

7 7 Conclusion JuxMemView Display JuxMem topology Launching peers via JDF Remote control via JXTAshell Based on log4j and OpenJGraph Common visualization tool Not a priority Not clear how to do it Ideas?

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