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ShakeUP Your Community for Christ!. Today’s culture bombards kids with unprecedented pressures and hopeless options, driving them toward temptation and.

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Presentation on theme: "ShakeUP Your Community for Christ!. Today’s culture bombards kids with unprecedented pressures and hopeless options, driving them toward temptation and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ShakeUP Your Community for Christ!

2 Today’s culture bombards kids with unprecedented pressures and hopeless options, driving them toward temptation and sin…

3 and away from God.

4 We are called to do something about it! “Snatch others from the fire and save them…” Jude 23 (NIV) How?

5 Jesus said: I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. … I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:9-10 (NIV)

6 So ask yourself: How can I, as an Awana leader, help more kids meet Jesus this year?

7 Answer: T he G reat S hake UP

8 The classic Awana Clubs ™ mottos – used in the early days of Awana – sum up The Great ShakeUP: The other boy … the other girl … for Christ

9 It goes like this:




13 That model still works: Check this out!



16 So, what is T he G reat S hake UP ?

17 The Great ShakeUP is an: annual, four week program that equips parents, leaders, and clubbers

18 To reach more kids for Christ and get them into your Awana clubs.

19 Parents Week Week 3 Kids Training – “Pass the SALT Again” Week 2 Kids Training – “Pass the SALT!” Week 1 The Great ShakeUP Event Week 4 Promotion & Leader Training Prep- Week The Great ShakeUP Timeline You decide when to do The Great ShakeUP!

20 Prep-Week Promote the Great ShakeUP -Low or no - cost publicity resources at -Two themes to teach from Recruit, train and equip your leaders -Recruitment tips -“Guided Conversation” resource to help share the gospel compellingly with kids -“Large Group Time 101” -Retention tips: Keeping new kids in club!

21 Weeks 1 & 2 – Pass the SALT Large Group Lessons teach Clubbers to: -Search: Identify un-churched friends -Ask: Ask God for them to be able to come to club -Link: Be a link to Jesus – invite their friends -Transport: Give them a lift Kids actually learn HOW to invite kids.

22 Week 3 - Parents Week Get your clubbers’ parents involved! A special club night to show parents how they can help their clubbers succeed in bringing a friend, and how they can help on the BIG NIGHT

23 Week 4 – the Great ShakeUP Event The Big Day at last! Leaders are ready! Club parents are onboard! Clubbers are bringin’ their friends! Everyone pulls together to share the Good News with young visitors.

24 Exciting ShakeUP games A Great ShakeUP Song And a special gospel message Help make it a GREAT time for any kid!

25 For over 60 years, Awana leaders and clubbers in local churches have shared the gospel of Christ with kids and families who need the Lord, through their Awana clubs.

26 With T he G reat S hake UP Your leaders and clubbers Carry On T he T radition !

27 Visit for more details and to access free and low cost resources

28 So let’s Shake things Up Around Here!

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