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Data Warehouse Fundamentals Rabie A. Ramadan, PhD 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Warehouse Fundamentals Rabie A. Ramadan, PhD 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Warehouse Fundamentals Rabie A. Ramadan, PhD 1

2 2 About myself Rabie A. Ramadan My website and publications

3 3 Class Information It is like any other class, however, Enjoy what you do Do not worry about the exam as long as : You are reading and understanding the materials in the book Attendance is a must Assignments must be delivered on time

4 Class Information You can bring anything to drink but NO FOOD PLEASE When you come in, DO NOT knock on the door When you want to leave, Do NOT tell me  Just leave but you will counted as absent

5 5 Class Information Text Books

6 Before We Start …. Website Project Egyptian Election System There are many cities around the country. The system record the vote and report the results all over the country as well as allows ad hoc queries

7 Grading Grade % Assignments 10 Attendance 5 Midterm 1 15 Midterm 2 10 Project 20 Final 40

8 Why this Course is Important? It is a source of jobs A good 2nd course for database (can be taken w/o database course) It’s a fun topic and you can even do Research on it. Lecture Outline

9 Why this Course is Important? Computer Engineers work as: Computer Engineers work as: AnalystAnalyst ProgrammerProgrammer DesignerDesigner DeveloperDeveloper Database administratorDatabase administrator Project managerProject manager …….……. Also, we work at the companies Back End Also, we work at the companies Back End Responsible for every transaction the company doesResponsible for every transaction the company does

10 Why this Course is Important? Day to day operations in companies are required Day to day operations in companies are required However, However, Executives focus on different kind of information to take strategic decisionsExecutives focus on different kind of information to take strategic decisions “Strategic Information “ “Strategic Information “ Ex. :Ex. : Which geographical region to focus on ?Which geographical region to focus on ? Which products line to expand ?Which products line to expand ? For Engineers – more jobs For Engineers – more jobs We step in to help them gather such informationWe step in to help them gather such information

11 Data Management Past, Present and Future Old days Old days Most things were done through paper based systemMost things were done through paper based system File Processing File Processing Network and Hierarchical Databases Network and Hierarchical Databases Present Present Relational, Object-Relational and Object-Oriented Databases Relational, Object-Relational and Object-Oriented Databases Fragmentation of Information Systems Fragmentation of Information Systems Subject/User/Application-Driven Transaction Processing Systems Subject/User/Application-Driven Transaction Processing Systems Stand-alone systems e.g. Stand-alone systems e.g. Manufacturing (Inventory Control) Manufacturing (Inventory Control) Finance (Payroll, Stock Management) Finance (Payroll, Stock Management) Sales Administration (Planning, Suppliers, Daily Sales) Sales Administration (Planning, Suppliers, Daily Sales)

12 Data Management Past, Present and Future Future Future Integration of Data and Applications Data Exchange, Interoperability and Homogeneity in the presence of Heterogeneity.

13 Surviving in the Information Jungle Different interfaces and protocols Different data models and representations Duplicate and Inconsistent Information

14 Why Data Warehouse ? As knowledge becomes the new currency of organizations, information now is viewed in an entirely new way - as a strategic source of opportunity. With this new focus on the information delivery, government and industry are looking to Data Warehousing as valuable construct to convert data to information.

15 Why Data Warehouse ? Dramatic advances in data capture, processing power, data transmission, and storage capabilities are enabling organizations to integrate their various databases into data warehouses. a process of centralized data management and retrieval. Data warehousing is defined as a process of centralized data management and retrieval. Data warehousing represents an ideal vision of maintaining a central repository of all organizational data. Centralization of data is needed to maximize user access and analysis.

16 Why Data Warehouse ? To overcome the inability of IT department to provide strategic info To overcome the inability of IT department to provide strategic info

17 What organizations gain by Data Warehousing ?

18 Data Warehousing in new Era Fire Rescue Operations

19 Functions of Data Warehouse Provides an integrated and total view of the enterprise. Makes the enterprise’s current and historical information easily available for strategic decision making. Makes decision-support transactions possible without hindering operational systems. Renders the organization’s information consistent. Presents a flexible and interactive source of strategic information.

20 Functions of Data Warehouse Integrated Systems Collect and combine information from multiple sources Provide integrated view and uniform user interface Support sharing of data and processing capabilities

21 Functions of Data Warehouse Blend/Mix of Technology Blend/Mix of Technology

22 Data Warehouse An Environment, Not a product It is not a single software or Hardware to provide strategic information It is a Complete Environment It is a Complete Environment

23 See you next time 23 YouTube competition RoboCup Competition

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