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Comprehensive Program Review May 30, 2014 1 Highlights:  Program renovations were completed – expanded bed space to 45  Achieved ACA Re-Accreditation:

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2 Comprehensive Program Review May 30, 2014 1

3 Highlights:  Program renovations were completed – expanded bed space to 45  Achieved ACA Re-Accreditation: 99.4%  FBOP Monitoring Results Best Practice/Promising Practice:  Staff Retention – keep staff engaged, valued, staff is invested in program  Utilization of SecurManage  Relationship with NH-USPO 2

4 Challenges  Transition Process for new SOW  Developing PREA procedures  Developing ongoing Accreditation record keeping process 3

5 STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Staff Retention Rates Overdue Performance Evaluations Staff Training Hours 4

6  Last CPR (December 2012 – May 2013), the turnover rate was 24.1% compared to 31.3% for SJS Data obtained from HR Retention & Turnover Report 5

7  The 6/2013 Retention Rate Data for SJS and CRJ Overall = Not Available (N/A) Data obtained from HR Retention & Turnover Report 6

8 Data obtained from HR Personnel Summary As of March 30, 2014, there were 2 FTE performance evaluations that were late. The 2 evaluations in question were due at the end of March. They were submitted to HR within the first week of April. Last CPR:  At the end of May, 2013; there were 2 FTE performance evaluations overdue. 7

9 Data obtained from MMRs and HR Training Reports Last CPR: (December 2012 – May 2013)  Total of 807 training hours  Average of 134.5 training hours per month  Average of 7.91 hours per staff member per month or 47.4 hours over six months 8 Current CPR: (October 2013 – March 2014)  Total of 391 training hours  Average of 65 training hours per month  Average of 3.6 hours per staff member per month or 21.48 over six months; 54% decrease from last CPR  ACA occurred in Dec 2013; major thrust of training completed prior to accreditation

10 PROGRAMMING  Utilization  Program Completions with:  Employment  Permanent Housing 9

11  The current utilization rate is 95.1% (this is a 2.6% increase); Hampshire House had an average of 30.4 clients.  Last CPR: Utilization rate was 92.7%; an average of 29.6 clients Data obtained from MMRs & Utilization Report 10

12  Average of 75% of clients successfully completed the program. Last CPR: 76.7%  Average 53.6% of clients completed with employment. Last CPR: 61%  Average of 100% of clients completed with housing. Last CPR: 97.6%  Average of 25% of clients were terminated before completing the program. Last CPR: 23% Data obtained from MMRs 11

13 CLIENT RELATED  Clinical Hours  Walk-Aways  Medication 12

14  Average Total Hours per client/month: 8.5: Last CPR =9.3  Average Life Skills Hours per client/month: 1.5: Last CPR = 0.9 hours.  Average Cognitive-Behavioral Hours per client/month: 7: Last CPR = 8.4 hours.  Total Hours = 1,644: Last CPR = 1,793 (This is a 8% decrease)  Total Life Skills Hours= 289.5: Last CPR = 172  Total Cognitive-Behavioral Hours: 1354.5: Last CPR = 1,621 Data obtained from MMRs 13

15 MonthNumber of Walk-Aways October 0 November 1 December 0 January 1 February 0 March 0 TOTAL 2 Data obtained from MMRs  Last CPR (December 2012 – May 2013), 0 walk-aways 14

16  Total of 0 medication incidents and occurrences (200% Decrease)  Last CPR (December 2012 – May 2013), 2 medication incidents Data obtained from MMRs 15

17 QUALITY ASSURANCE Key MMR Results Satisfaction Surveys 16

18  100% of clients successfully completing the program were reunited with their family  100% of clients successfully completing the program had permanent housing; last CPR = 97.6%  100% of clients successfully completed the program with a full discharge plan  100% of discharge plans developed with family involvement  Average of 97.9% negative drug tests; last CPR = 99.61%  Zero written deficiencies from outside funders 17





23 Library – make sure that Paul Swindlehurst receives a copy of all the donors Discuss Transitional Housing at Think Tank meeting – what is the feasibility of utilizing the apartment building’ next to Hampshire House as a possible transitional housing program; Revisit the existing SJS Client Satisfaction Survey – Ensuring that a minimum of 60% of clients take the survey (August CPR – only 33% had responded) – (March 2014 survey = 21/32 or 66% responded) Keep an Eye On: Wellness - Hampshire currently working with HCH on diabetes and smoking cessation classes for clients – Need to improve tracking of wellness trainings Renovations/Expansion of Hampshire House – Impact on programming – yes or no? – Utilization – concern about keeping HH full after expansion is completed 22

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