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Academic Technology Advisory Committee. Welcome Introductions Charter Review ITS Overview Academic Technology Update from Consolidation Q&A Next Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Technology Advisory Committee. Welcome Introductions Charter Review ITS Overview Academic Technology Update from Consolidation Q&A Next Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Technology Advisory Committee

2 Welcome Introductions Charter Review ITS Overview Academic Technology Update from Consolidation Q&A Next Meeting Agenda

3 Hull – Buffie Schmidt CON – Deborah Natvig Pamplin – David Hunt Sci & Math – TBD CAHS – Amanda Barefield MCG – Andria Thomas COE – Rebecca Harper CODM – Kevin Plummer Library – Kim Mears CTL – Deborah Richardson Undergraduate Students: Brittany Mathews & Michael Banks Graduate Students: TBD Membership

4 The purpose of the Academic Technology Advisory Council (ATAC) is to advise the CIO in support of the academic mission of the University through the appropriate use of academic technology and services affecting teaching, learning, and scholarly activities. Charter

5 Issues of academic technology Academic technology strategic planning Policies, procedures, processes, and standards Communicating faculty and student desires, concerns, suggestions Conduit to communicate with colleges, faculty, and students Scope

6 One per college – In process of establishing on the Summerville campus Academic Technology Advisory Committee focuses on university-wide strategy Instructional Technology Advisory Committee focuses on individual college needs and much more operational in nature Instructional Technology Advisory Committees

7 Enterprise CIO Clinical Information Systems Academic & Research Technology Shared Services ITS Overview

8 Academic & Research Technology Instructional Systems & Services Instructional Systems Instructional Field Support Classroom Scheduling Audiovisual Services Distance Sites Educational & Collaborative Technology ECT Center Technical Illustration Instructional Design Multimedia Development ART Overview Vice Provost

9 Desire2Learn – ASU and GHSU – Added features & functionality Kaltura Learning Repository Analytics WebEx Integration ePortfolio Hosting model - benefits Echo360 Academic Technology Consolidation

10 Classroom & Event Scheduling – Centralized – New Scheduling System – Focus on Maximizing Space Utilization Classroom Upgrades – Maxwell PAT – UH250 – Health Sciences Building (EC1204, EC1210, EC1218) – Galloway Hall – JSAC Ballroom Academic Technology Consolidation

11 In addition to D2L… – Echo360 Lecture Capture – WebEx – Audience Response Systems – Exam Systems (Lockdown Browser, ExamSoft) Portfolio of Offerings

12 On the Health Sciences Campus – 147% increase in the number of lectures being viewed (over 167,000) – 18% growth in number of lectures recorded, (5,102) – Each lecture is being viewed an average of 33 times (an increase of 109%) Over the last 6 months, we've had a 22% increase in the number of faculty and student using D2L and on average, each user is showing a 7% increase in user engagement (a metric of how long and how users operate within D2L). Since June we've had a 128% increase in the number of WebEx sessions. Academic Technology Stats

13 Q&A

14 Shooting for late October/early November Will send out call for agenda items Next Meeting

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