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STANDARDIZED AND STATE ASSESSMENTS 3W Talk. REASONS TO TEST  To recognize areas of strength and weakness  To look for discrepancies between subjects.

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Presentation on theme: "STANDARDIZED AND STATE ASSESSMENTS 3W Talk. REASONS TO TEST  To recognize areas of strength and weakness  To look for discrepancies between subjects."— Presentation transcript:


2 REASONS TO TEST  To recognize areas of strength and weakness  To look for discrepancies between subjects or abilities  To identify giftedness in one or more areas  To help set attainable goals and differentiate for our students

3 TESTING DATES  Spring Testing – April 28 th and 30 th  Ohio Achievement Testing in Reading and Math  Fall Testing – October 7 th – 18 th  Iowas and Cognitive Abilities Testing – Nationally Normed Tests, Multiple Sessions  Ohio Achievement Assessment in Reading, One Session

4 TEST PREPARATION  Classwork, be at school  Meet their primary needs – Sleep, Food, Shower, Water, Encouragement  ODE website – Preparation Questions and Practice tests

5 WHAT TO EXPECT WITH RESULTS  Mid-Year you will receive the test results by mail  Iowas and CogAts – a form letter and a second page with results  Remember that these results are normed nationally  OAA – a glossy foldable of your child’s achievement in reading compared to other students in Oakwood and in the State of Ohio  Also included is information on your child’s current strengths and weaknesses with suggestions for assistance and teaching.  The OAA’s are not nationally normed and cannot be used to determine a learning disability or identify giftedness.

6 HOW TO READ THE OAA  4 Levels  Advanced  Students go beyond understanding what they read to explain what they like or do not.  Accelerated  Students understand what they read and compare stories and texts.  Proficient  Students understand what they read and try to list important ideas in the texts.  Basic – not a passing score, You will receive a letter from the district discussing the 3 rd Grade Guarantee  Students understand some of what they read. They use strategies to learn new words.  Limited – Not a passing score – You will receive a letter from the district discussing the 3 rd Grade Guarantee  Students struggle with simple reading tasks.

7 AREAS EVALUATED IN THE READING OAA  Acquisition of Vocabulary  Identify and read new words and word parts  Use Context Clues and word parts to make meaning  Reading Process  Use reading strategies for understanding  List, recall, summarize  Informational Text  Use text features  Draw conclusions from charts, graphs and diagrams  Literary Text  Compare and Contrast plots of different stories  Retell what happens in a story  Explain different genres of literature

8 HOW TO READ THE COGATS  Cognitive Abilities Test  Measures students’ learned reasoning abilities developed both in and out of school  Gifted Qualifying Score – 129 and above on the entire battery  Verbal Battery  Assesses ability to use search, retrieval and comparison processes  Analogies, Sentence Completion, Classification  Quantitative Battery  Assesses ability to reason about patterns and relations  Number Analogies, Number Puzzles, Number Series  Nonverbal Battery  Assesses students’ abilities to reason with somewhat more novel questions that use spatial and figural content.  Figure Matrices, Paper Folding, Figure Classification

9 ABOUT THE IOWAS  Iowa Tests  Students took 2 of 13 Assessments  Reading (Vocabulary and Comprehension) and Math (Concepts, Problem Solving and Estimation)  Vocabulary – word in the context of a short phrase or sentence  Comprehension – reading passages from multiple genres, 2/3 of the questions require the students to infer or generalize  Math Concepts – demonstrate understanding of ideas, relationships and visual representations  Problem-Solving – Word Problems that require one or more steps to solve  Test of Achievement, Different than Ability  Qualifying Score for Gifted Services, 98 th and 99 th percentile

10 RESPONSE TO TEST INFORMATION  Keep in mind that it is one piece of information – Other Curriculum based measures and assessments can provide more specific information  Gifted Services in 4 th -6 th grade  Teach above grade-level material where necessary  Response to Intervention in Reading or math – RIMP, focus on specific skills and strategies to track  Continue Teaching Grade Level objectives

11 GIFTED SERVICE OPTIONS  No K - 3 rd Grade Gifted Services  6 th Grade –  1 or 2 Seminar Offerings based on Testing Data  Gifted Intervention Specialist Service in Reading with Qualifying Score  Gifted Intervention Specialist in Math with Qualifying Score  5 th Grade –  1 or 2 Seminar Offerings based on Testing Data  Gifted Intervention Specialist Service in Reading with Qualifying Score  Gifted Intervention Specialist in Math with Qualifying Score  4 th Grade –  1 or 2 Seminar Offerings based on Testing Data  Gifted Intervention Specialist Service in Reading with Qualifying Score

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