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WR115 An Introduction to College Writing Through Critical Reading: A Community of Scholars Examines Sports in Society Monday, January 28, 2013 Unity Exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "WR115 An Introduction to College Writing Through Critical Reading: A Community of Scholars Examines Sports in Society Monday, January 28, 2013 Unity Exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 WR115 An Introduction to College Writing Through Critical Reading: A Community of Scholars Examines Sports in Society Monday, January 28, 2013 Unity Exercise Coherence—Transitions & Key Words Subject-Verb Agreement, Ch 13, 359-361

2 Order of Business Homework Check: Blueprint, Race &Ethnicity Essay Unity in writing Coherence: using transitions and key words to bind your ideas to one another. Subject-Verb Agreement Rules

3 Unity Exercise The Writer’s Response: Chap 4 Review of Unity, p. 116 -7, p. 122 - 124 Practical Exercise (L. Rita Pepper) Applying the principles of unity to your own work

4 Coherence Example of a paragraph lacking coherence 9p.117) Review of the central idea (p. 118) using key words that directly refer to the thesis and topic sentence. Common transitional words & phrases (p.119) & Handout from Mary. Also, see Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab, rticle_id=32 rticle_id=32 Writing your own transitional phrases and clauses. (p. 119)

5 Take Five…. With Dave Brubeck

6 Subject-Verb Agreement! Ch 13, p. 345-350 Let’s work through some of these exercises in class and see how far we get. We’ll pick up on Wednesday where we left off today.

7 Homework Assigned Complete the first draft of your Essay on Race & Ethnicity in America. Due Wed., January 30 th As you work on your essay, add transitions. You might want to do this on more than one occasion, and you might want to work with another student. Due Wed., January 30 th Review our work on subject-verb agreement. Work an exercise to see what rules governing subject-verb agreement are confusing. Bring your questions about subject-verb agreement to class Wed., January 30 th

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