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Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Inter-American Cooperation Network for Social Protection Transfer of Chile’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Inter-American Cooperation Network for Social Protection Transfer of Chile’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Inter-American Cooperation Network for Social Protection Transfer of Chile’s Puente Program to the Caribbean Francisco Pilotti, Director Departamento de Desarrollo Social y Empleo November 12-20, 2007 Santiago de Chile

2 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Mandates Millennium Development Goal No. 1: –Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger IV Summit of the Americas: –Identify and exchange, within the framework of the OAS, practices in the region regarding policies and programs to confront poverty.

3 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Selection Criteria Effective reduction of extreme poverty Effective reduction of inequity Democratic Governance: Good beneficiary evaluation Effective targeting aimed at the poorest Family as intervention unit: delivery of integrated services Focus on citizens’ rights

4 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Effective Programs of Inequality Reduction: The Brazil Case Brazil: Evolution of Gini coefficient Bolsa Familia: 21% BPC: 7% Source: IPEA

5 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Positive Institutional Evaluation

6 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Chile’s Puente Program Achievements Five years of implementation Coverage:270,000 families High impact on poverty reduction during 2003- 2006 Positive evaluations by ECLAC and World Bank International interest

7 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Favorable Review of Puente in Inter – American Forums Workshop in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 2003 Workshop in Reñaca, Chile, 2005 XIII Annual Conference of the Social Network, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2006 XIV Annual Conference of the Social Network, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2007 Interamerican Commission on Social Development, CIDES, Washington DC, October 2007

8 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States The Puente Program Established in 2002, the Program focuses on the family as the unit of intervention. During 24 months, Puente seeks to empower the family in order to improve its quality of life in seven dimensions: –Health –Education –Civil Registry (Identification) –Housing –Employment –Family Dynamics –Income Generation

9 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States The Puente Methodology Psychosocial Support and Subsidies Families in extreme poverty Autonomous families with access to protection networks Follow-Up 24 months

10 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States DSDE’s Institutional Capacity Building Strategy Main Components of Horizontal Cooperation –Critical transfer of knowledge, skills and lessons learned There is no simple replication of a model Facilitate a comparative approach Ensure mutual learning –Mixture of educational approaches, traditional and virtual –Permanent connectivity –Network management

11 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Building a Bridge for the Puente Critical Transfer must take into account differences such as: –Legal –Administrative –Cultural/Linguistic –Family Dynamics –Service Delivery –Other Variables Migration HIV/AIDS Bridging Puente

12 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Transfer of the Chile Puente to the Caribbean: Partners Critical Transfer

13 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Planning Meeting, OAS. FOSIS March 2007 January February MarchApril MayoJune 2008 Follow up in Trinidad & Tobago: site visitors and tutors from Chile Follow up in St. Lucia: site visitors and tutors from Chile Permanent academic support by UWI Closure of the first stage of the program Planning Meeting, OAS, FOSIS, UWI May June Chile Puente in the Caribbean Workshop, Jamaica October XIV Annual Meeting of the Social Network, (Brazil) November Evaluation workshop and Planning for future activities workshop Follow up in Jamaica: site visits by tutors from Chile Permanent communication and support through virtual tools: website, online forum,etc November Internships, Chile Timeline

14 Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States THANK YOU!

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