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EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Using GLUE 2.0 in Practice with EMI Registry (EMIR) Shiraz Memon, Jülich.

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Presentation on theme: "EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Using GLUE 2.0 in Practice with EMI Registry (EMIR) Shiraz Memon, Jülich."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Using GLUE 2.0 in Practice with EMI Registry (EMIR) Shiraz Memon, Jülich Supercomputing Center OGF 34, Oxford, 13.03.2012

2 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Introduction GLUE 2.0 JSON Rendering Querying in EMIR – XML Documents Agenda 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20122

3 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Cross Middleware Service Discovery Common Access Point: Unifying service registrations and discovery Uses GLUE 2.0 EMIR: A Unified Service Registry 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20123

4 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Service General Information Meta-data (Last-update, Publisher/Owner, Lifetime) Endpoint Access Information Location Physical Location Geo-Coordinates Contact Additional Attributes (can be added on the fly) TTL for every Service Entry GLUE 2.0 Attributes 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20124

5 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Used for service registration Viewing Collections JSON Rendering 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20125 [ { "Service_Name": “EMI Execution Service", "Service_CreationTime": {"$date": "2011-10-16T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Type": “", "Service_Capability": [“activity submission", “activity creation"], "Service_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_Endpoint_URL": "", "Service_Endpoint_Technology": “SOAP over HTTP", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceName": “ActivityManagement", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceVersion": ["1.0“ ], "Service_Endpoint_WSDL": " ?wsdl", "Service_Endpoint_HealthState": "ok", "Service_Endpoint_HealthStateInfo": “it is OK, I can see it", "Service_Endpoint_ServingState": "production", "Service_Endpoint_StartTime": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeAnnounce": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeStart": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeEnd": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_ExpireOn": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_UpdateOn": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_OwnerDN": “CN=Shiraz Memon,O=FZJ,OU=JSC” } ]

6 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Request as Resource URI – GET - /services?Service_Type=emi&Service_Location_Country=Germany Request with POST-ing the json query document (for rich querying) Media-Type – application/xml OR application/json Querying the EMIR 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20126 POST - /services

7 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 JSON Document 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20127 [ { "Service_Name": “EMI Execution Service", "Service_CreationTime": {"$date": "2011-10-16T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Type": “", "Service_Capability": [“activity submission", “activity creation"], "Service_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_Endpoint_URL": "", "Service_Endpoint_Technology": “SOAP over HTTP", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceName": “ActivityManagement", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceVersion": ["1.0“ ], "Service_Endpoint_WSDL": " ?wsdl", "Service_Endpoint_HealthState": "ok", "Service_Endpoint_HealthStateInfo": “it is OK, I can see it", "Service_Endpoint_ServingState": "production", "Service_Endpoint_StartTime": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeAnnounce": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeStart": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeEnd": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_ExpireOn": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_UpdateOn": {"$date": "2011-07-21T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_OwnerDN": “CN=Shiraz Memon,O=FZJ,OU=JSC” } ]

8 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 XML Documents 1/2 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20128 ComputingService job-management production A Street 1 Germany 53119 53.3 4.0 http://contactlink sysadmin http://contactlink developer

9 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 XML Documents 2/2 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 20129 ComputingService Activity Management Activity Submission technology 1.0 ok Its OK production 2011-07-21T13:47:24.111+02:00

10 EMI INFSO-RI-261611 Questions 13.03.2012OGF 34, OXford, 201210

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