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 Attempt to find out / discover facts in a systematic and Scientific manner  The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in.

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Presentation on theme: " Attempt to find out / discover facts in a systematic and Scientific manner  The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in."— Presentation transcript:


2  Attempt to find out / discover facts in a systematic and Scientific manner  The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Oxford dictionary

3  Research Report is report of original work  It INSPIRE others  › What was known about the topic previously › What the researcher did towards ‘moving forward’. › What do the results mean › Future implications

4  Need a question to do research  Need a method to do research  Need know how it can be communicated to others.




8  to question is innate tendency

9  My teacher says so  The textbooks say so  Everyone practice like that  My experience says so.  net says so.  The journals say so  The Cochrane say so

10  There is no shortage of research questions  Even when we succeed in answering a question, we remain surrounded by many other related questions

11  Established researchers: ---- own prior studies

12  master the published literature in a specific area of study  first hand experience  Find a Mentor

13  Journal clubs and Scientific meetings  Careful observation of patients  Teaching (during preparation, discussion)  Keep the imagination roaming


15  Anjaneya’s Approach


17  Arjuna’s Asthra

18  practical limits and problems of studying › Adequate number of subjects, Technical expertise, Cost in time and Money,Scope etc.

19  practical limits and problems of studying › Adequate number of subjects, Technical expertise, Cost in time and Money, Scope etc.

20  may have many motivations financial support, building career, getting at the truth of the matter, for the joy of ‘eureka’ …

21  A Good research question is novel › Not the one that is already established. › But,need not be totally original › applicability to a different group of subjects › improved measurement techniques › A confirmatory study to avoid weaknesses of previous studies

22 ethically acceptable Informed consent, Community acceptance & agreement Risk acceptable in relation to the likely benefits Non-exploitation Privacy and Confidentiality Clearance by the Institutional Ethics Committee

23 › A good way to decide about relevance is to imagine  the various outcomes that are likely to occur  possibility of each -scientific knowledge -influence clinical management -health policy -guide further research

24  Testing the research questions with FINER

25  Study of Catamaran Catastrophe

26  Population of Interest  Intervention or Issue of interest  Comparator of interest  Outcome  Time frame

27  What is the Incidence of spinal fractures among the fishermen of Ponnani while fishing in the sea on Catamaran during the monsoon, before and after the ban on trolling ?

28 understandable and agreeable to the reader/listener Can learn methods of effective communication Can have team member good in writing Can have a secretary specialised in scientific writing Can have reference manager/endnote etc

29  IMRAD

30  Introduction  Methodology  Results  And  Discussions

31  Offers Insight to the Study  Reflects the Nature of Study, on What it was carried out & in Which Type of Setting

32  Why the Theme is Important  Background Information about the Study  Lacunae existing in Knowledge  Research Question  Study Hypothesis  Aim & Objectives  Rationale for the Study

33  Relevant Existing Evidence  What Other Methods Used to Solve it  To Justify the Study  Organize Logically & Chronologically  Should be Up to Date & Properly Referenced

34  Resources Used, Study Setting, Study Design  How Conducted – Definitions (Cases & Controls) Description of Study Variables. Criteria- Inclusion & Exclusion, Sampling, Study Period  Sample Size Calculation with Justification

35  Experimental Procedures, Outcome Measures & Instruments or Tools  How Data Collected & Recorded  Mention Statistical Tests used for Analysis  Cite References  Limitations & Ethical Issues

36  Experimental Procedures, Outcome Measures & Instruments or Tools  How Data Collected & Recorded  Mention Statistical Tests used for Analysis  Cite References  Limitations & Ethical Issues

37  Summarizes Data to Make it Easier for Understanding  Already Known is Linked to Study Findings – Both Positive & Negative  What do the Results Mean?  How do the Findings Fit into the Existing Knowledge?  Are they Consistent with Current Theories?  Do They Give New Insights?

38  Don’t Simply Repeat Introduction  Discuss findings According to their Importance  Substantiate Arguments  Compare with Previous Studies  Brief Critique of the study  Strengths & Weaknesses

39  Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech  which you are used to seeing in print [a cliché]  Never use a long word where a short one will do

40  clarity of writing originates from clarity of thought  think what you want to say  then write it simply  be specific  be concrete, not abstract  say what you mean and mean what you say

41 “How many people do you employ, broken down by sex?” “None. Our problem here is booze”. ( UK Fire force )

42  These help to order thoughts  One topic per paragraph  Transitions relate one idea to the next  First sentence : introduce topic; could stand alone  Keep paragraphs short, containing 2-6 sentences

43  These help to order thoughts  One topic per paragraph  Transitions relate one idea to the next  First sentence : introduce topic; could stand alone  Keep paragraphs short, containing 2-6 sentences

44  Briefly Summarize the Main Findings & New Knowledge got from the Study  Describe How the Results met the Hypothesis  State Practical Implications  In Scientific Investigations, More Questions are Produced than Answers  Do not Go Beyond Your Data

45  Does it have a proper beginning and a conclusion?  Does it flow logically from one part to the next?  Does it convey the work’s › purpose › conclusions › meaning?  Does it conform to the style of the publisher?  Does it make easy reading?


47 …thank you.

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