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Chapter 9 Understanding Drugs & Medicines. What are Drugs?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 Understanding Drugs & Medicines. What are Drugs?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 Understanding Drugs & Medicines

2 What are Drugs?

3 Drug: Any substance that causes a change in a person's physical or psychological state. Two types of drugs.

4 1) Medicines: any drug that is used to cure, prevent, or treat illness or discomfort.

5 2) Drugs of Abuse: drugs that are taken for mind-altering effects that have nonmedical purposes. Examples: cocaine, marijuana, alcohol

6 Drug Abuse: the intentional improper or unsafe use of a drug

7 Prescription Drug Abuse: the intentional improper or unsafe use of a drug.

8 *Using someone else’s prescription *Not following the directions of the prescription * Taking too much of the prescription, taking it when not needed, mixing more than one kind of medicine at a time other than prescribed

9 Over the Counter Drug Abuse: the intentional improper or unsafe use of a drug

10 * Not following the directions of the OTC drug * Taking too much of the OTC drug taking it when not needed, mixing more than one kind of OTC drug at a time

11 Types of Medicines Prescription Drugs: Drugs that require a written order by a doctor. You have to obtain these from a pharmacy.

12 Over the Counter (OTC): any medicine that can be bought without a prescription

13 Side Effect: Any effect that is caused by a drug that is different from the drug’s intended effect. All drugs have side effects.

14 Drugs as Medicines

15 Generic Drugs: drugs that are made by a company other than the company that developed the original medicine. EXAMPLE: motrin vs ibuprofen

16  The testing process is done through the Food and Drug Administration, which is a government group that will not allow a medicine to be given to people until it is proven to be SAFE and EFFECTIVE.

17 Drug Interactions: when a drug reacts with another drug, food, or dietary supplement such that the effect of one of substances is greater or smaller

18 Avoiding Drug Interactions: Tips to Avoid Problems There are lots of things you can do to take prescriptions or OTC medications in a safe & responsible manner.

19 *Always read drug labels carefully *Learn about the warnings for all the drugs you take *Keep medications in their original containers so that you can easily identify them *Ask your doctor what you need to avoid when you are prescribed a new medication. Ask about food, beverages, dietary supplements & other drugs. *Use one pharmacy for all of your drug needs *Keep all of your health care professionals informed about everything you take

20 Drugs & the Brain

21  Information processing in the brain happens at connections between neurons. These connections are called synapses. The neurons release a chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter goes across the synapses and attaches to another neuron and sends the message to the other neuron.

22 DRUGS CAN CHANGE HOW MESSAGES ARE SENT  Drugs change the way neurons communicate with each other by acting like neurotransmitters, blocking neurotransmitters, or by releasing to many neurotransmitters into the synapses. All of this will confuse the communication between the neurons.

23 Addiction: a condition in which a person can no longer control his or her drug use

24 Drug tolerance: a condition in which a user needs more of a drug to feel the same effect felt when first using the drug

25 Physical dependence: a state in which body relies on a given drug in order to function

26 Psychological dependence: a state of emotionally or mentally needing a drug in order to function

27 Withdrawal: uncomfortable physical & psychological symptoms produced when a physically dependent drug user stops using drugs


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