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WWI - 1917. Germany plans to resume unrestricted submarine warfare (They are free to fire on civilian craft) Previously they were on search and destroy.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI - 1917. Germany plans to resume unrestricted submarine warfare (They are free to fire on civilian craft) Previously they were on search and destroy."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI - 1917

2 Germany plans to resume unrestricted submarine warfare (They are free to fire on civilian craft) Previously they were on search and destroy orders Germany fears this will draw America into the war, however they believe it will pressure Britain into seeking peace January

3 February America stops communicating with Germany Up until this point America had been trying to push for peace in Europe Britain generals expressed doubts about American troops The British passed the “Zimmermann Note” to America This note was intercepted by the British when it was sent to the German ambassador in America ordering him to propose a military alliance with Mexico if America joined the war in response to the resumed U-boat warfare


5 March Armed Ship bill passed arming Merchant craft to defend against the German U-boats Wilson’s cabinet votes for far, preparations are made, support promised

6 April German U-boat campaign inflicts most damage in a single month America declares war on Germany (6 April, 1917)

7 May “Selective Service Act” signed into existence Basic draft for WWI Rich men could not pay a man to go in their stead unlike the civil war

8 June Plan to ship 120,000 American men per month into war Americans will be trained overseas and sent in as soon as possible Troops to be sent in as soon as possible following the expeditionary force Espionage Act First Division arrives in France

9 July The US General in charge of WWI operations requests 1 000 000 troops, and that 3 000 000 should be the goal for recruitment Passchendaele offensive (3rd battle at Ypres) begins

10 October War Revenue Act Foundation of Income Tax Austria and Germany decimated the Italian lines at Caporetto causing heavy Italian casualties but inciting public response and Allied support


12 November Bolsheviks (later to become the Soviets under Lenin) seize power following the Russian infighting and mutinies Allies form war council and send support to Italy to retaliate against the stretched German position

13 December America warring with Austria-Hungary Central powers and Soviets (Bolsheviks) negotiate for peace

14 Importance of Events With Russia effectively out of the war due to their own political problems and civil war, Germany was free to fully engage on the Western Front. As well, after the French mutiny, it became clear that France would defend, yet not participate in any offensive operations.

15 At this point, Germany was hoping to end the war before the Americans were able to fully reinforce the Allies. When America promised their support they did not have trained troops to support the Allies, however their industrial might and supplies provided enough until they sent their troops in to end the war.

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