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Alaska: Land of Oil?. Prudhoe Bay: Oil Currently Drilled Here!

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska: Land of Oil?. Prudhoe Bay: Oil Currently Drilled Here!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska: Land of Oil?

2 Prudhoe Bay: Oil Currently Drilled Here!

3 Prudhoe Bay

4 BIG 3 OIL CO’s BP-British Petroleum (runs the field) Exxon Mobil Conoco-Phillips (Union 76)

5 Alaska Pipeline

6 Above Ground? Earthquakes  easy to assess leaks Permafrost  hard to build under! Cold under the soil! Oil clumps in cold

7 Oil Tankers Pick Up Oil and Deliver to Refineries


9 Caribou Migration

10 Polar Bears: Tundra Lifestyle


12 Tundra is Fragile Because…. Slow growth  slow recovery rates Specialized species  highly sensitive to env. Change Simple food webs  minor changes lead to major effects Permafrost  long residence time of accidental pollutants.

13 ANWR Debate Should we open up ANWR for oil exploration and drilling? Two sides: Treehuggers USA and Wreck It Oil Company 5 minutes each side, 2 minute rebuttal after each side presents 5 judges: create a rubric to give to each side on how they will be judged.


15 Just A Suggestion… Get into groups of 4 in your larger group..make a list of advantages and disadvantages …then share out with the group.

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