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Secure Shell (SSH) Presented By Scott Duckworth April 19, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Secure Shell (SSH) Presented By Scott Duckworth April 19, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secure Shell (SSH) Presented By Scott Duckworth April 19, 2007

2 Scott Duckworth 2 What is SSH? “SSH is a protocol for secure remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network.” – RFC 4251 Secure channel between two computers Provides data confidentiality and integrity Many uses other than remote shell

3 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 3 History SSH-1 designed in 1995 by Tatu Ylönen In response to a password-sniffing attack Replacement for rlogin, telnet, and rsh Released as freeware in July 1995 ~20,000 users in 50 countries by the end of the year Ylönen founded SSH Communications Security in December 1995 Code became increasingly more proprietary

4 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 4 History (continued) SSH-2 designed in 1996 Incompatible with SSH-1 Security and feature improvements Open source implementations (OSSH and OpenSSH) created in 1999 OSSH is now obsolete OpenSSH is the most popular SSH implementation as of 2005

5 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 5 Current Implementations (2007) OpenSSH – common on UNIX systems SSH Tectia – commercial implementation PuTTY – client only, Windows MindTerm – client only, Java applet

6 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 6 Layering of SSH Protocols Transport Layer Protocol Provides server authentication, confidentiality, and integrity User Authentication Protocol Authenticates the client-side user to the server Connection Protocol Multiplexes the tunnel into logical channels New protocols can coexist with the existing ones

7 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 7 Transport Layer Protocol Public-key host authentication Lets the client know the correct server is on the other end DSS or RSA, raw or through OpenPGP Strong symmetric encryption Uses Diffie-Hellman algorithm for secure key exchange Many ciphers are supported: 3des, blowfish, twofish, aes, etc., most with multiple key sizes New keys generated every 1 GB or 1 hour Data integrity via MACs (message authentication codes) SHA-1 and MD5 are supported

8 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 8 User Authentication Protocol Multiple authentication methods public-key, password, host-based Extensible Server tells client which methods can be used, client picks the most convenient Provides a single authenticated channel to the connection protocol

9 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 9 Connection Protocol Provides multiple channels: interactive login sessions remote execution of commands forwarded X11 connections forwarded TCP/IP connections All channels are multiplexed into a single encryption tunnel

10 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 10 Attacks on SSH Man-in-the-middle Very easy if the client does not have the server’s public key prior to connecting Attacker masquerades between the client and server Denial of service Covert channels Server Attacker Client

11 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 11 System Configuration Files (OpenSSH) /etc/ssh/ sshd_config – SSH server configuration ssh_config – SSH client configuration ssh_host_*_key – private host keys ssh_host_* – public host keys ssh_known_hosts – list of known public host keys

12 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 12 User Configuration Files (OpenSSH) ~/.ssh/ id_* - private authentication keys id_*.pub – public authentication keys known_hosts – list of known public host keys authorized_keys – list of allowed public authentication keys

13 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 13 Public-Key Authentication Howto $ ssh-keygen -t rsa... $ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys‘... $ ssh... Accept the defaults and leave the passphrase blank Enter your password one last time Enjoy not having to enter a password

14 April 19, 2007 Scott Duckworth 14 References and Resources RFC 4250-4254 SSH: The Secure Shell – The Definitive Guide

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